Reminder, master is *not* 1.21

Curtis Hovey-Canonical curtis at
Wed Nov 12 15:12:55 UTC 2014

Ladies and gentlemen.

We found several bugs targeted to 1.21 marked fix committed, but the
merge was only to master, which is 1.22-alpha1. An issue that must be
fixed in 1.21-beta2 must be merged into the 1.21 branch.

Many of the bugs targeted to
were targeted when master was 1.21. A bug probably needs to be
targeted to 1.22 then +affects series to add 1.21

Given the slow progress on the 1.21-beta2 milestone, maybe we need to
defer all the 1.21 milestone bugs to 1.22, which will be released in
January. The other option is to plan a beta3 release with more fixes.

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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