October 2012 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Oct 1 20:05:32 UTC 2012
Ending: Wed Oct 31 05:38:13 UTC 2012
Messages: 35
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Attended my first La hack night.
John Kim
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Demand high for Ubuntu gatherings in Silicon Valley
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Demand high for Ubuntu gatherings in Silicon Valley
Akkana Peck
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] DVDs For LoCo Teams
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] DVDs For LoCo Teams
Robert Lewis
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] DVDs For LoCo Teams
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Election
Philip Ballew
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Election
Akkana Peck
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Election
Aaditya Bhatia
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Election
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Election
Grant Bowman
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Election
Akkana Peck
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Election time is here once again
Philip Ballew
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: [Ubuntu-SV] Please join the Ubuntu California Team
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: [Ubuntu-SV] Please join the Ubuntu California Team
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: DVDs For LoCo Teams
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Linux volunteer opportunities in LA?
John Kim
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Linux volunteer opportunities in LA?
Philip Ballew
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Linux volunteer opportunities in LA?
Corey Quinn
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Meeting tonight!
Philip Ballew
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Meeting tonight, Sunday October 7th at 7PM
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Needed: Someone to run the next leadership election
Philip Ballew
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Needed: Someone to run the next leadership election
Elizabeth Krumbach
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Request Ubuntu 12.10 Talk near Santa Cruz
Grant Bowman
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] RFS
Robert Lewis
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] San Diego Ubuntu Hour
Philip Ballew
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] San Jose Ubuntu Hour at Panera Bread, Sunday, November 4.
James McClain
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Today: Ubuntu Hours: San Jose, Thu Ubuntu Mountain View
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Today: Ubuntu Hours: San Jose, Thu Ubuntu Mountain View
Shawn Landden
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Tonight: Ubuntu Hour: MV
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu-us-ca Digest, Vol 65, Issue 12
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu-us-ca Digest, Vol 65, Issue 12
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu-us-ca Digest, Vol 65, Issue 18
Sead Salihbegovic
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour: Palo Alto Fri Oct 5, 7pm
- [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hours SJ: Sun 2-6 Philz Coffee
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 05:38:13 UTC 2012
Archived on: Thu Oct 2 02:37:13 UTC 2014
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