May 2011 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun May 1 03:31:35 UTC 2011
Ending: Tue May 31 21:31:27 UTC 2011
Messages: 445
- [Bug 593477] Re: Use VP8/WebM as the default video codec/format
- [Bug 724592] Re: telepathy-logger assert failure: *** glibc detected *** /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-logger: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0898e410 ***
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 612308] Re: telepathy-logger crashed with SIGSEGV in _tpl_log_manager_add_message()
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 774673] [NEW] Emphaty does not log in to any networks
Gabor Toth
- [Bug 774939] [NEW] add friend
- [Bug 257190] Re: Setting status to 'Hidden' changes status to 'Busy' instead
Ankur Joshi
- [Bug 774955] [NEW] Empathy connects to my Facebook account but only a subset of my groups are listed
- [Bug 742689] Re: Conversation logs aren't always saved
Alexander Seaton
- [Bug 772169] Re: Favorite contacts always appear even when offline
- [Bug 665467] Re: I cannot send text messages through aim account on empathy
Dylan Weremeichik
- [Bug 775288] [NEW] All deleted contacts are back again not grouped after restart
- [Bug 775352] [NEW] 'Recent Conversation' window expands to the right without stopping
Mike Beach
- [Bug 758240] Re: Can't connect to GTalk with empathy, worked in 10.10.
- [Bug 773041] Re: Uses 100% cpu - automatically restarts when killed
- [Bug 559692] We are proud to bring you
Anders Wallenquist
- [Bug 759902] Re: empathy contact list window don't remember position
- [Bug 775499] [NEW] The Group order in the contact list
Stan Syritsyn
- [Bug 726261] Re: empathy does not update notify-osd notifications
Sebastien Bacher
- [Bug 665552] Re: CTRL-C does not work in irc chat window
Eliah Kagan
- [Bug 769234] Re: Notifications are delayed if contacts send messages too fast
- [Bug 775682] [NEW] Desktop sharing in Empathy in 11.04 disabled when chatting with Empathy in 10.04
- [Bug 723356] Re: empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()
- [Bug 628748] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with KeyError in parse()
Tuomas Lähteenmäki
- [Bug 664872] Re: client jabber not join on account of msn
- [Bug 776048] [NEW] Facebook Chat seems to forget password
- [Bug 576734] Re: Empathy does not honor default browser when clicking URLs in chat
- [Bug 518216] Re: empathy doesn't support MSN group chat
Phuah Yee Keat
- [Bug 776216] [NEW] when I choose invisible status in tray menu right of the clocks this program go to busy status
Vlad Mazur
- [Bug 767029] Re: empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in g_strdup()
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 776271] [NEW] empathy does not connect to Google Talk after waking laptop up from sleep
- [Bug 776344] [NEW] empathy with facebook chat or jabber (to connect with facebook) doesn't function
Antonio Oliva
- [Bug 776348] [NEW] No automatic login when launching and empty contact list or at least not displayed.
- [Bug 768891] Re: empathy chat launching extremely slowly.cant load the online list even :(
- [Bug 766174] Re: empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID()
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 460755] Re: Emapathy won't Pop Up Incoming Chats in a New Window
ODSLabs at
- [Bug 776624] [NEW] Previous conversationns window increases in size in horizontal direction.
- [Bug 657999] Re: Cannot hide offline contacts from view.
Samuel Longchamps
- [Bug 776711] [NEW] a series of messages are shown in separate notification messages instead of a big one
Danial Behzadi
- [Bug 756930] Re: "Previous Conversations" window gets ever larger
- [Bug 776903] [NEW] Default Chat Smiles (Emotes) are UGLY on Empathy
- [Bug 777064] Re: "Select a contact" is untranslated and untranslatable
Gabor Kelemen
- [Bug 777064] [NEW] "Select a contact" is untranslated and untranslatable
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 565620] Re: Empathy shows "Error sending message 'message_text': too long message" warning reguallary when sending message in some jabber conference
Alexey Osipov
- [Bug 777429] [NEW] Previous Conversations window expands itself off the screen
- [Bug 777503] [NEW] Empathy no permite ingresar a cuentas de msn
- [Bug 296867] Re: empathy needs to support OTR encryption
Mark M
- [Bug 729681] Re: russian fonts
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 733329] Re: Empathy asks me every time to confirm certificate even when my decision should be remembered
Kevin Smith
- [Bug 777782] [NEW] package nautilus-sendto-empathy 2.30.2-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: cannot access archive: No such file or directory
- [Bug 600009] Re: Empathy can only recevie 1 offline message on MSN when logged in
- [Bug 726842] Re: empathy-auth-client crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invalidate()
Guillaume Desmottes
- [Bug 533596] Re: Empathy QQ client version should be qq2008
Torstein Skulbru
- [Bug 560970] Re: Empathy does not show name while chatting on MSN Groups.
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 719169] Re: Why will Empathy NOT WORK/CONNECT with error connection time out
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 676828] Re: Contacts does not show up in empathy contact list
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 721371] Re: Recently switched to ubuntu 10.10, empathy is not signing into Facebook account showing network error also while signing gmail account it log in very rarely and that too after a long time.
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 721748] Re: My facebook chat list is not showing in empathy... but gtalk is showing.. Pls help me
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 774228] Re: empathy doesn't remember to trust a certificate
Kevin Smith
- [Bug 778095] [NEW] Connection reset by peer
- [Bug 745803] Re: telepathy logger uses 100% CPU
- [Bug 778177] [NEW] "open/close group" triangle is hidden behind scrollbar
- [Bug 778209] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in _signal_text_received(): 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 14: ordinal not in range(128)
Cristian Aravena Romero
- [Bug 778575] [NEW] Spell Checker does not recognize capatalized words as being spelled correctly.
- [Bug 545751] Re: Network error when trying
Boletis Georgios
- [Bug 697717] Re: QQ doesn t work in empathy, QQ considers that empathy is try to hack the account. So the account is simply disabled.
- [Bug 779071] [NEW] Cannot set default metacontact account
Elias K Gardner
- [Bug 779300] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with AssertionError in send_message()
Cristian Aravena Romero
- [Bug 662766] Re: does not reconnect after suspend/resume
Steven Richards
- [Bug 656594] Re: Cannot connect to IRC channels on OTFC
Joshua Lückers
- [Bug 663670] Re: empathy doesn't connect to msn - blocked connection
- [Bug 779702] [NEW] authentication error while logging into facebook
- [Bug 779703] [NEW] authentication error while logging into facebook
- [Bug 711805] Re: I was wishing to remove a contact added into empathy, w/o success
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 779773] [NEW] Empathy 'Previous Conversations' window grows wider forever
James Bunton
- [Bug 750429] Re: empathy uses proxy when it shouldn't
Gilberto Gaudêncio
- [Bug 593473] Re: telepathy-haze crashed with signal 7
Joshua Lückers
- [Bug 780086] [NEW] File transfers with people nearby fail
Ethan Bissett
- [Bug 600215] Re: Unable to tell who's online based on mono icons
Hannu Leinonen
- [Bug 780259] Re: empathy crashed with SIGABRT
Cristian Aravena Romero
- [Bug 618064] Re: telepathy-haze crashed with SIGSEGV in purple_conversation_destroy()
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 304889] Re: Does not use system proxy settings
- [Bug 544630] Re: telepathy-butterfly takes up 100% of CPU endlessly trying (and failing) to connect
Jonathan Lumb
- [Bug 558872] Re: empathy accounts fail to connect after manually unlocking keyring
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 769557] Re: Randomly decides to hog all CPU
- [Bug 732900] Re: Empathy doesn't receive instant messages from contacts (MSN)
- [Bug 735815] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with TypeError: _on_session_completed() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 763127] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with AssertionError in send_message()
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 651081] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with AssertionError in send_message()
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 767161] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in _signal_text_received(): 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe6 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 763242] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with ValueError in Received(): You can't receive the same message twice.
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 761581] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with NotAvailable in _get_media_channel(): org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable: Contact not available
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 781155] [NEW] We should use the smilies from
Shane Fagan
- [Bug 713516] Re: Empathy won't keep group information.
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 717923] Re: Can't connect to jabber servers using CACert although ca-certificates is installed
Ralf Hildebrandt
- [Bug 781561] [NEW] my gg (gadugadu) contacts arent saving in the application after restart
- [Bug 722131] Re: Even after logging into gtalk, the friend list is not being displayed.
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 722364] Re: network error
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 722341] Re: The chat screen is no longer display my contacts information even though I am logged in.
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 723890] Re: Empathy thinks that capitalized letters are misspelled.
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 294994] Re: NAT traversal for SIP using Empathy
Kılıç Köken
- [Bug 725154] Re: "previous conversation" window doesn't highlight the searched word.
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 404022] Re: Empathy will not save Alias names for Yahoo and ICQ account
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 781844] [NEW] Spell check is case sensitive
Justin Force
- [Bug 652558] Re: People Nearby account in empathy will not allow me to assign a picture to personal information
S. M. Das
- [Bug 485017] Re: missing feature: friendly names
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 486530] Re: Custom text styles not shown
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 727159] Re: empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in ____strtol_l_internal()
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 726173] Re: empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in vfprintf()
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 725549] Re: special characters are '?' in IRC
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 451568] Re: Empathy don't close with click on notification area icon
Ben Aceler
- [Bug 674509] Re: it takes too much time before to open a chat
- [Bug 332348] Re: Display icon indication for mobile/web client/bot/etc IM users
Andres Velez
- [Bug 473735] Re: empathy keeps showing "network error" on facebook account
Chris Mostert
- [Bug 640018] Re: empathy throws untrusted certificate warning on google chat services using google apps (non-google domains)
Markus Nicolussi
- [Bug 294991] Re: SIP/Ekiga accounts don't store contacts
- [Bug 733838] Re: telepathy-gabble crashes just after login into jabber account
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 773206] Re: auto-resize of conversation history creates oversized window
- [Bug 540223] Re: empathy status doesn't work on facebook chat
- [Bug 740210] Re: Status AWAY is ignored in Facebook Chat using Empathy
- [Bug 783128] [NEW] programm running with 100% CPU usage and empathy chat windows don't open
Daniel Dudola
- [Bug 756930] Re: "Previous Conversations" window gets ever larger with Clean, Simple and Blue chat themes
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 682418] Re: empathy: ICQ-account has been deleted
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 783404] [NEW] package empathy 2.34.0-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: error writing to '<standard output>': No such file or directory
Nezrok Braughler
- [Bug 783465] [NEW] Empathy failed to stop and failes to start after force stop
Vadász Zoltán B.
- [Bug 783526] [NEW] Empathy + Unity, difficulty to get contacts list
John A Meinel
- [Bug 783591] [NEW] "Show contact list" toggle not working for jabber chat room
Bethany Benzur
- [Bug 783626] [NEW] after typing, still disabled search button
Pedro Bessa
- [Bug 745803] Re: SRU Request: telepathy logger uses 100% CPU
Brian Curtis
- [Bug 768974] Re: papyon doesn't answer server's pings
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 445863] Re: Spell checking doesn't allow US English words when using "English" language
- [Bug 504405] Re: Ctrl-Tab should jump to the next tab
Martin Gontovnikas
- [Bug 732688] Re: irc #rooms persistent setting
Carsten Nielsen
- [Bug 322314] Re: "Automatically connect on startup" setting confusing - users may expect this to run Empathy on login
Christian Dywan
- [Bug 715977] empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_value()
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 717513] empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 720076] empathy-accounts crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID()
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 760904] empathy crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 763267] empathy crashed with SIGSEGV
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 713818] Multiple call windows from same person.
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 714432] Empathy breaks (cannot sign in to jabber server) if pidgin is installed
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 726936] Não conectando ao mensageiro
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 748528] Empathy does not save any preferences, such as enable/disable spell checking, message log etc.
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 662830] Empathy do not launch properly
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 706351] No conecta la aplicación emphaty con mi cuenta de facebook dice que no hay conexion
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 725816] Can't log in my msn account
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 784938] [NEW] empathy contact list glides to the right every time it is closed and reopened
Josh Leverette
- [Bug 785178] [NEW] telepathy-logger takes 99% CPU
Dariusz Dwornikowski
- [Bug 785478] Re: telepathy-gabble assert failure: *** glibc detected *** /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-gabble: double free or corruption (out): 0x00000000009b4290 ***
Swen Kühnlein
- [Bug 785515] [NEW] empaty crashes to view history
- How come adding Telepathy ppa to natty ask for partial update?
aviramof aviramof
- [Bug 785581] [NEW] Empathy History Window Bar is Growing Infintely....
Pushpendra Kumar
- [Bug 587511] Re: Cannot register jabber account
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 785751] [NEW] Empathy cannot communicate using MSN with Mac MSN clients
- [Bug 785768] [NEW] huge icons contacts
Everth Dayer Limon
- [Bug 693385] Re: empathy shows offline contacts when I ask it not to and I expand a group with the space key
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 785868] [NEW] telepathy-butterfly stops responding
Alexander Seaton
- [Bug 488131] Re: Empathy doesn't let me switch between dictionary languages per chat window.
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 785950] [NEW] Popup notification when sending messages
- [Bug 785974] [NEW] Microphone and camera are not working in the conversation Empathy
- [Bug 785980] [NEW] Microphone and camera are not working in the conversation Empathy
- [Bug 597221] Let your bodies interlace
Ayan George
- [Bug 710582] Re: webkit crashes on amd64 architecture with SIGSEGV in WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit()
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 786181] [NEW] command to open a conversation with a certain buddy
- [Bug 786224] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with KeyError in disconnected(): <butterfly.connection.ButterflyConnection at /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Connection/butterfly/msn/cristian_40romanescu_2ecl at 0x3374e50>
Cristian Aravena Romero
- [Bug 739968] Re: no sing in MSN
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 646561] Re: can't connect to myspaceIM
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 786480] [NEW] Emoticone (N) illisible
- [Bug 786488] [NEW] "Close" and other buttons of "About" in Help menu not functioning
Lava Kiran Naidu
- [Bug 665692] Re: wont connect to msn
Claudio M. Alessi
- [Bug 786630] [NEW] XML entities in usernames are inconsistently escaped
Tom Adams
- [Bug 786731] [NEW] defeault keyring error, cannot see any contact list but can receive messages.
Acacia Christensen
- [Bug 653746] Re: Empathy using wrong English dictionary
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 786866] [NEW] empathy displays network error on msn account
- [Bug 786933] [NEW] Retrieving contact info for contact notification popup stalls UI for 3 seconds and results in high CPU usage
- [Bug 747791] Re: Empathy in Ubuntu 11.04 does not have right sidebar with participants in IRC chat
Jonas G. Drange
- [Bug 787422] [NEW] package python-papyon 0.5.5-1ubuntu1.1 failed to install/upgrade: cannot access archive: No such file or directory
Andrew Stubbs
- [Bug 602932] Quit throwing away your money in the market.
Alessandro Bucci
- [Bug 559894] Re: German spellchecking does not work
- [Bug 694533] Re: Previous Conversations should show only one contacts history
- [Bug 706931] Re: repeated asking to verify a certificate. enough already, I already approved it!!
- [Bug 726721] Re: empathy-accounts crashed with SIGSEGV in empathy_account_settings_get_string()
Pedro Villavicencio
- [Bug 788308] [NEW] Empathy contact list goes blank
- [Bug 788417] [NEW] Online buddies not showing in buddy list on empathy for ubuntu 11.04
Michael Beck
- [Bug 714247] Re: Gadu-gadu contacts are not saved
Trev Peterson
- [Bug 788752] [NEW] bogue: ajouter contact
- [Bug 668835] Re: Can't unlink metacontact
- [Bug 789118] [NEW] package telepathy-butterfly 0.5.15-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 132
Stan Pons
- [Bug 789190] Re: telepathy-butterfly crashed with NameError in __add_initial_participants(): global name 'contact' is not defined
- [Bug 789305] [NEW] Empathy does not receive google chat messages until I disconnect and reconnect
Jon Wilson
- [Bug 754569] Re: Empathy does not support Google 2-Step Authentication
- [Bug 789763] [NEW] package telepathy-logger 0.2.6-1ubuntu1.2 failed to install/upgrade: error writing to '<standard output>': 沒有此一檔案或目錄
Yu - Sian , Liu
- [Bug 789847] [NEW] Empathy throws Network Error, when logging on my Jabber account
Miqio Berk
- [Bug 790287] [NEW] long message leaves large white space
Tristan Hill (credativ)
- [Bug 388035] Re: Import pidgin logs
Toby Haynes
- [Bug 790803] [NEW] Video calls fail : could not link source
Ric Flomag
- [Bug 504247] Re: Alias in Personal information (MSN) not saved at all
- [Bug 790925] [NEW] Empathy won't reconnect an account
Tom Adams
Last message date:
Tue May 31 21:31:27 UTC 2011
Archived on: Mon Sep 8 22:11:46 UTC 2014
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).