Migrate many micro and small enterprises to Lubuntu in Brazil
Ali Linx (amjjawad)
amjjawad at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 08:37:02 UTC 2014
On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Jackson Doak <noskcaj at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Ali,
> Yeah, that was before i joined this list.
> My suggestion is when someone does say they can donate, point them to the
> lxde foundation. Or maybe get people to say why they deserve the money and
> how it would help lubuntu.
I think everything on this link:
You can check the email I sent almost 2 years back and then read the
replies from the developer and from other members.
IMHO, if someone wants to donate money for 'Lubuntu' because he/she likes
it, etc then that should go to Lubuntu to help this system and community to
be even better. I am sure everyone knows all the other FOSS Project have
that on their websites :)
I am not sure if this:
Will help Lubuntu specifically but I don't think it is. Why? because:
"Better support for flavours like Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu" and we all
know Lubuntu is not the only flavor ;)
Not trying to be negative here but from very long experience with this
community and knowing how its people think, I don't really think we will
ever see that on Lubuntu anytime soon. Unless of course some major changes
will take place.
I think we are wasting our time to talk about something had been discussed
before :)
Quote: "In 16-12-2011 (still have that Email), I was asking about the
Financial Support for Lubuntu, etc"
For all the other replies:
https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lubuntu-users/2012-March/thread.html -
search with (Ctrl+F) "Financial Support for Lubuntu"
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 7:07 PM, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello João,
>> 0. I send a copy to the Lubuntu user community, so that they know what I
>> have replied. These people are users, who ask questions, share results
>> and discuss problems with Lubuntu.
>> 1. Welcome :-)
>> 2. While I think it is wrong to charge money for FOSS (for the software
>> itself), there is no problem to charge money for your work, when helping
>> people. Many people work with linux this way, both in large companies
>> and in small one [wo]man companies.
>> Some of us are retired from work and help with linux as volunteers, and
>> some of us do as a job. (I am retired and a volunteer.)
>> 3. It might be good idea to try some donating system, but I think it is
>> hard to raise a lot of money that way.
>> Best regards
>> Nio
>> 2014-01-06 01:19, Pin Portal skrev:
>> > Hello, my name is João, Im from Brazil, I like and use Lubuntu.
>> > I know that in April, 2014 Microsoft will stop providing updates and
>> > support for Windows XP users, so I decided to help many micro and small
>> > enterprises (like small businesses, for example: bakeries, restaurants,
>> > schools, small offices,...) in Brazil to change to another system and
>> > try not download ilegal windows 7 or windows 8 and try not buy a new
>> > computer with better CPU and GPU, so Im trying to convince many small
>> > businesses companies to migrate to Lubuntu (because it will have 5 years
>> > support in 14.04 LTS and of course it is free).
>> >
>> > But in the other hand, many people are asking me if the system
>> > is reliable, who is paying it (because if nobody pays, you have to
>> > receive money to continue the system).
>> > I didnt know what to answer and it made me think about it:
>> > *Why doesnt Lubuntu do the same thing that Kubuntu made in the past
>> > and look for a company that sponsors (financially) the system? Like
>> > Kubuntu is supported financially by Blue
>> > Systems *(
>> http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-to-be-sponsored-by-blue-systems)
>> >
>> > Other thing that I wanna know about Lubuntu Team: Many small companies
>> > have shown interest in migrating to Lubuntu, but they asked me if I
>> > could support them, providing support if they had some doubts using the
>> > system in the future, I agreed with them, but there are much more
>> > companies that me (alone) can support, so I asked them if they would pay
>> > for this support (like U$S10~U$S15 per company per 10 computers by
>> > month) because with this money I could contract more brazilian employees
>> > to help me supporting them, they agreed with it.
>> > *But I wanna know if Lubuntu Team thinks that it is wrong by myself to
>> > ''get money'' supporting Lubuntu company users in Brazil?* (Because the
>> > system is free, I would only get money for the support, because we have
>> > energy tax, potencial employees to pay and others costs) Is it wrong to
>> > get money with Lubuntu support or Lubuntu Team doesnt see problem with
>> > that? (Im asking it, because I respect so much all people that made
>> > Lubuntu and make it until today :D )
>> >
>> >
>> > *Please*, I dont like so much to use list.ubuntu.com, because I dont
>> > understand so much the interface, so PLEASE if one of you (or many of
>> > you) wanna answer this message, send your answer to my email:
>> > *pinportal at msn.com* my name is João, just put ''Lubuntu'' title on
>> the
>> > email message to I know that it is an answer for my original message.
>> >
>> > Thank you!
>> > Best Regards,
>> > João.
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Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
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