[xubuntu-users] Problem with Thunar

Carl Snyder carlwsnyder at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 13:05:52 UTC 2018

Since I don't read German, I simply searched for the entire error
message, which came back with search results about not being able to
access a Samba or other network device. First, do you have a network
drive or other computing device, especially one accessed through SMB
or other networking protocol? Second, if you do, does the problem go
away if that device is not connected to your network?

On 11/18/18, xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com
<xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
> This is an old problem which I had already with Xubuntu 16.04. Now I use
> 18.04, still the same problem.
> After some time working with Thunar the program slows down and finally it
> seems to hang. When I try to open Thunar I get an error message (sorry it is
> in German): Der Ordner »xxx« konnte nicht geöffnet werden. Fehler beim Holen
> der Informationen für Datei »/home/xxx«: Der Rechner ist nicht aktiv.
> There is no PID of Thunar active. The only workaround is to restart the
> computer.

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