[xubuntu-users] No scrollbar steppers in xfce4-terninal

Teresa e Junior teresaejunior at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 22:39:23 UTC 2017

Em 08/11/2017 15:25, Stuart McGraw escreveu:
> On Fedora-23 which I am coming from I had to hunt around for a theme
> that had the steppers [*] but no matter what theme I try in Xubuntu
> (I've installed a bunch including Murine which I've been using on F23),
> even if steppers appear in other windows (eg thunar) they don't in
> xfce4-terminal.  I'm running Ubuntu-server-17.10 + Xubuntu package.

Murrine is GTK+2, you need a GTK+3 theme for current versions of 

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