[xubuntu-users] Install software

Thomas Blasejewicz nyuwa at hb.tp1.jp
Tue May 10 18:56:26 UTC 2016

On 2016/05/11 0:39, Petter Adsen wrote:
> On Tue, 10 May 2016 23:18:23 +0900
> Thomas Blasejewicz <nyuwa at hb.tp1.jp> wrote:
> Do I really have to do that terminal typing acrobatics for each and
> every piece of software
> You don't have to, but you can. It pays off to learn how to use basic
> things like apt, and it's not complicated.
> Petter
Thank you, but I doubt that.
I believe I did learn a number of "terminal tricks" along the way, but ...
I have been desparately struggling for EIGHT years (on and off), trying 
to get friendly with Linux (multiple machines, multiple flavors ...)
in order to get away from Windows, but still am not getting anywhere.
I guess that means I am too stupid and should not be allowed anywhere 
near a computer.

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