[xubuntu-users] 15.10 Occasionally Hard Freezes

JMZ florentior at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 11:33:45 UTC 2015

hi Ian,

What is the operating version displayed when using using ctrl+alt+f1 to 
exit xwindows to tty?

If it's xenial, you may have been prematurely upgraded to some/all of 
the xenial very early alpha test repositories.  This is especially true 
if you have any of the xubuntu development ppas in your 
/etc/apt/sources.list.  Check sources.list to make sure that no xenial 
apt-get commands are floating around there.  Change all apt-get commands 
to wily.  Comment out developmental ppas and remove their data from 
sources.list.d if necessary.  When this is done, upgrade the computer.  
(Hopefully) the system will correct in favor of wily.  You may need to 
reinstall a dependency group like ubuntu-restricted-extras (heck, sudo 
apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get 
ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt-get autoremove -- get it all out of 
the way when you do the initial update/upgrade)


On 11/17/2015 04:56 AM, Ian wrote:
> A couple of times per week xubuntu 15.10 hard freezes. This didn't 
> happen for me with either of the previous versions of xubuntu (14.10, 
> 14.04) I ran on the same hardware. In the past when I have had 
> problems with previous versions of xubuntu I have been able to resolve 
> them by switching to one of the TTYs and killing/restarting the 
> offending process or at least poke around and identify the cause. With 
> these freezes I have been experiencing in 15.10 I can't even switch to 
> a TTY. I was just watching a video and the computer froze, repeating 
> the sound buffer endlessly. It reminds me of Windows.
> Any ideas for debugging/identifying the cause? I don't see anything in 
> the syslog.
> Ian

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