[xubuntu-users] mousepad wiped out file content when font change tried

Juan R. de Silva juan.r.d.silva at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 22:00:20 UTC 2014

> So, the problem IS in Mousepad. I wonder, why this thing was selected as
> a default text editor?
> I'm not going to use neither Mouspad nor Leafpad but would be curious to
> figure it out what's wrong with this thing. Any suggestions, pleas?

I've found the reason Mousepad displayed just blank pages. In /home/
viktoro/.config/Mousepad/mousepadrc file I found the following line

ViewFontName=Monospace Italic 0

I certainly did not change the font size to 0. Changing the value to any 
sensible value, e.g. 10, enabled Mousepad.

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the bug. Thus I cannot report it.

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