[xubuntu-users] Is there a list for *ABSOLUTE* beginners with Xubuntu?

Paul Donlan padlan1 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 16:54:48 UTC 2013

On Tue, 03 Sep 2013 09:25:55 -0700, David Walland  
<davidwalland at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Thanks for your replies so far.  Can I point out that I'm actually in  
> North East England, in the UK in Europe.  Some of you seem to have  
> misread this. > Hadrian's Wall starts about 60km (some 35 miles) north  
> of where I live.
> The machine is an old Samsung I was given as a freebie.  It sports an  
> IDE 32GB SSD which I bought for trying out cheaply second-hand on e-bay  
> a couple of >years ago and just discovered why I hadn't been able to  
> access it with any other machine - I cut the bit of plastic off and it  
> works fine when the pins >can reach the socket (!!??!!) to plug in.   
> Theoretically the max memory is 256 MB but I managed to get it to read  
> one 256 MB stick as long as there was a >Samsung 128 MB stick in the  
> other slot.
> The machine has Open Office on it as part of the Xubuntu download.  I  
> simply prefer Office Libre.
> I've already learned some things which aren't readily accessible to the  
> uninitiated from Elfy's reply - thanks for this, I'll try them shortly.  
> I've been >trying to find a local group or list to contact.  Somehow I  
> can't have phrased my questions right on Google because none of this  
> info came up when I >looked for it.  But no Elfy, my reaction time isn't  
> fast enough to take a photo.  It was never good and has got slower with  
> age.  Presumably if I knew >where to go there must be some way of making  
> the machine leave these up.  I just don't know where.
> 25 years ago when I was learning Danish (my wife's mother tongue) in  
> Denmark, the nephews and nieces laughed at us both because we spoke "Old  
> Nordic" >instead of modern "new-speak" Danish.  I wonder whether I speak  
> Old Nerdic or even Proto-Nerdic when I see much of the material on this  
> list!  Oddly the >microcode stuff made lots more sense to me as I was  
> introduced to that in 1981.
> Next year a lot of people who have clung on to XP will be looking for  
> somewhere to go. X/Ubuntu ought to be a natural home for people like  
> that but it is >so-o-o difficult to break into it direct from Windows.   
> We need a translation.  If I once manage to understand what I'm doing in  
> Xubuntu, I'll volunteer >to help write one but..............
> David
> On 3 September 2013 16:36, George DiceGeorge <dicegeorge at hotmail.com>  
> wrote:
>>  david wrote:It runs surprisingly quickly on an older version of  
>> Xubuntu (10.04).  I can use it for ordinary "user" things but can't  
>> manage to get >>Office Libre to load (it *downloaded* OK!) onto the  
>> machine and the error messages don't use words memorable enough for me  
>> to record them (they flash >>on screen and then disap
>> pear before I can do anything sensible!)
>> ]
>> it may be possible to take a picture of the error messages with your  
>> phone, or other camera.
>>i guess theres not enough memory for liberoffice, which is huge  
>> compared to whatever word processor they put in xubuntu 10.04.
>>i’m using xubuntu on old machines, and ubuntustudio on new machines, as  
>> they both use the xfce desktop.
David: IMO it's a lot easier to use Ubuntu or Xubuntu on a newer machine,  
at least the latest distributions. If you could possible upgrade to a  
newer model of desktop or laptop, I'm sure a lot of the difficulties would  
disappear. In my experience Xubuntu works like a charm with relatively  
little or no mentoring needed.

Paul Donlan (Los Angeles, California, USA)
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