[xubuntu-users] USB drives automount issue on 12.04

L.M.J linuxmasterjedi at free.fr
Sat Nov 24 13:00:17 UTC 2012

Le Sat, 24 Nov 2012 10:59:21 +0100,
Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hey you must be kidding me: the very udev we are talking about is in that
> list, look at the very bottom ! ;-)The kernel is also a good suspect, and the
> good thing is that normally your previous kernel, the one you know for a fact
> worked, should still be installed and available from the grub menu at start
> up, so just reboot your computer using the previous kernel and see if that
> makes a difference !

 Indeed, udev is there... I missed that one... And yes, I've planned to reboot
 on the old kernel asap. I will let you know.


 "May the source be with you my young padawan"

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