[xubuntu-users] New Installation

Elfy ub.untu at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 20 17:25:05 UTC 2012

On 20/11/12 17:19, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> On 20/11/12 17:12, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>>     Well, I have now installed Xubuntu 12.04 which I am still sorting
>>     out. So far so good, but that is what I thought when I installed
>>     Maya last week.
>>     I am still struggling to get the panel at the bottom of the screen,
>>     having already removed panel 2. Can anyone remind me how to do it
>>     please?
>> Just launch the settings manager  and pick the "Panel" item, then you
>> can just clikc the "+" button to add a new panel and locate it wherever
>> you like.
> Sorry, I am not explaining myself very well. When I first started up 
> there were two panels set up. One, what I call the main one, at the 
> top of the screen and panel 2 at the bottom. I am trying to do what I 
> did when I installed this same distro on my daughter's laptop.
> I have removed panel two, so now there is no panel at the bottom of 
> the desktop. I am now trying to drag the remaining panel from the top 
> of the screen to the bottom which is where I like to see it. I was 
> able to to this easily for my daughter but here on my desktop I can't 
> get it to move.
> Neil
Right click on the panel - Panel Preferences  - check that that Lock 
Panel is not enabled


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