[xubuntu-users] xubuntu xfce4-session
Abdel Bolaños Martínez
abdel.bolanos at etecsa.cu
Thu Nov 11 21:20:27 UTC 2010
Yes, the fact is that i want to know how is the process of loading the
session after you login, which scripts are called for create the xubuntu
On 11/11/2010 04:00 PM, Eric Christopherson wrote:
> 2010/11/11 Abdel Bolaños Martínez<abdel.bolanos at etecsa.cu>:
>> Hi there, im new at this list and i have this question:
>> When i enter my password at the login screen (no shell),
>> which files or scripts are executed in order to bring the xubuntu xfce4
>> session?
> What a coincidence -- that's the exact question I joined this list to ask.
> I've noticed that if I try to run xfce4-session or
> /usr/share/xubuntu/session.sh from outside of gdm (e.g. in VNC), it
> loads the Xfce session instead of the Xubuntu one. (I'm not sure what
> the difference is, apart from the Xfce one having more icons in its
> applications menu -- which seems like a plus to me.)
> ---
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