[xubuntu-users] xubuntu xfce4-session

Eric Christopherson echristopherson at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 21:00:38 UTC 2010

2010/11/11 Abdel Bolaños Martí­nez <abdel.bolanos at etecsa.cu>:
> Hi there, im new at this list and i have this question:
> When i enter my password at the login screen (no shell),
> which files or scripts are executed in order to bring the xubuntu xfce4
> session?

What a coincidence -- that's the exact question I joined this list to ask.

I've noticed that if I try to run xfce4-session or
/usr/share/xubuntu/session.sh from outside of gdm (e.g. in VNC), it
loads the Xfce session instead of the Xubuntu one. (I'm not sure what
the difference is, apart from the Xfce one having more icons in its
applications menu -- which seems like a plus to me.)

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