[xubuntu-users] New Karmic install: problem with subsequent "apt-get install postfix"

Tim H. bizdev at pwnspeak.com
Fri Jul 9 05:49:16 UTC 2010

On 07/08/2010 09:46 PM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> It would appear that on Jul 9, Nuno Domingos de Jesus Pinheiro nunito did say:
>> Ubuntu is better!
> Hunh???
> OK so strictly speaking Xubuntu is a variant, not pure Ubuntu.
> But apt-get installs from the same package repositories. So I rather think
> that:
> apt-get install postfix
> Would do the same thing with a pure Ubuntu installation...
> I choose Xubuntu BTW because there isn't an E17buntu.  And XFCE makes a
> reasonable back-up WM/DE in case something breaks e17...

Don't listen to that guy, he has posted 4 times in the past 6 months 
that I've been on this list and he only says one thing: "ubuntu is 
better".  I have notified the xubuntu-users-owner's about his behavior.

To answer your question, or at least attempt to, I keep my configs along 
with me for every installation.  I keep a tar of my home dir as well as 
a few /etc config files for every fresh installation so I never have to 
redo all of my word.  I even have a setup script to apt-get install the 
programs I commonly use which are not included in Xubuntu by default 
(ssh server, vsftpd, deluge, ect) as well as a useradd script to set up 
my other users and passwords.

Tar up your home dir or just the configs that reside in it and reload 
them in single user mode (recovery mode), then boot into multi-user 
(resume booting).

Now for postfix, I have a set config that I once used (not anymore).  So 
it doesn't matter which option I choose.  I may be able to look into 
this, however I am not sure I really feel like it :P  My config took a 
few days to setup just right and I don't feel like going through the 
docs again, ha.

The fully qualified domain, have you tried localhost?  I mean give it a 
shot I guess.  I have multiple domains so that never came up as a 
problem for me.

Tim H.

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