[xubuntu-users] grub2 autoupdate problem
Charlie Kravetz
cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Tue Dec 29 17:39:45 UTC 2009
On Tue, 29 Dec 2009 09:06:02 -0500
"T H Stearns" <thomasstearns at comcast.net> wrote:
> People:
> I have an IBM X24 with ActionTec MiniPCI-LAN card. My Ubuntu 9.1 recognizes
> the card but refuses to connect wirelessly. I have ndiswrapper and a Windows
> driver file but cannot connect the two together because the Windows driver
> is an archive which unpacks itself into a Windows folder of folders plus
> several other files. I know the driver actually consists of 5 of those files
> (somewhat dependant on your O/S) but don't know how to get them into my
> Ubuntu O/S.
> I don't know whether the inaction is a result of no driver or poor settings.
> I had instantaneous connection with a MAndriva install--it found the card
> and several routers all by itself.
> I know the card is good because when I use Windows 2K in the same machine it
> connects.
> Tom Stearns
> 3 Brander Court
> Nashua, NH
> 03063
Please start a new message and subject when asking for assistance. This
message was originally about grub updates. It will now have two
separate subjects completely. This will create issues for anyone using
the archives at a later date and seeking help for either subject.
Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914 [http://counter.li.org/]
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