[xubuntu-users] Could not find internet address
Charlie Kravetz
cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Sun Nov 2 14:41:45 UTC 2008
On Sun, 02 Nov 2008 14:30:19 +0100
Daan Hoogland <dhoogland at interestate.nl> wrote:
> Hello Nils,
> Thank you for your help. This is what I did and saw:
> In Terminal I entered 'gksu Mousepad /etc/hosts' and I made the two
> first lines as you told me.
> Then I entered 'nm-applet &'. The answer was not a simple OK but a
> message I did not write down. I got the idea that something was not
> OK.
> When I looked at the Desktop I noticed the network icon I missed
> before has returned to the screen (2 monitors connected to each other
> with a cross).
> As you mentioned I tried to configure the wired connection manually.
> The window 'Network Connections' has 5 tabs: wired/wireless/mobile
> broadband/vpn/dsl.
> 'wired' shows the existing situation: Auto eth0 - never (the word
> 'never' seems to pose the problem to me).
> Also 3 buttons can be seen: add/edit/delete.
> Editing the wired 'auto eth0' connection gives a submenu with 3 tabs:
> wired/802.1 x security/IPv4 settings.
> Under 'wired' one can choose to enable 2 items: connect automatically
> and system setting. Both choices are unabled by default. I kept it
> this way (I enabled both choices but that did not seem to make a
> difference).
> The subscreen also shows some values: MAC address: 00:D0:59:14:37:41
> and MTU - automatic. I didn't change these values either.
> Under 'IPv4 settings' one can choose among 5 methods: automatic
> (DHCP)/automatic (DHCP) addresses only/manual/link-local only/shared
> to other computers.
> Only when I choose 'manual' the button 'OK' at the end becomes grey,
> meaning that the changes I make into this menu (entered IP addresses
> for pc/netmask/gateway and DNS servers) cannot be saved.
> At the end I entered your last given command:
> sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart. The answer was: reconfiguring
> network interfaces [OK}.
> Connection to the internet is still not possible. To me the problem
> seems that I cannot give this laptop-pc an IP-address.
> Do you have any more recommendations to improve the situation?
> Thank you very much in advance, kind regards, Daan
> Nils Kassube wrote:
> > Daan Hoogland wrote:
> >> It may be that I managed to change the addresses and
> >> into:
> >>
> >> IP address laptop:
> >> gateway address:
> >
> > Where did you (try to) put these lines? In /etc/hosts that would be
> > wrong. You definitely need the loopback interface lines (IP
> > addresses starting with 127). We'll talk about the 192 addresses
> > later, but first lets modify /etc/hosts. You need root privilege to
> > modify that file. Therefore use the command
> >
> > gksu mousepad /etc/hosts
> >
> > in a terminal to edit the file. Then change the file so it gets
> > this contents:
> >
> > localhost
> > daan-laptop.werkgroep daan-laptop
> >
> > You may keep the IPV6 lines which you had in the original file but
> > they are not vital. However DO remove the lines with
> > and if they exist. Then save the file.
> >
> >> Even the menu item
> >> Network Manager has disappeared from the menu.
> >
> > You can restart the network manager applet with the command
> >
> > nm-applet &
> >
> > in a terminal and try if you can browse the internet already.
> >
> > If that doesn't work, use the manual configuration of the network
> > manager. Select the wired connection and click on the properties
> > button. Uncheck the "Enable roaming mode" option and select "static
> > IP address" for the configuration. Enter the IP address
> > and the gateway address (the subnet mask
> > will be added automatically). Now click OK. Now select the DNS tab.
> > You need at least one DNS server. Click tha "+ Add" button and type
> > the address because I suppose you are using a router
> > which is your DNS server as well. If you have some other
> > configuration you would use the address of you ISPs DNS server.
> > Finally close the configuration window and in a terminal enter this
> > command:
> >
> > sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
> >
> > Now it should really be possible to browse the internet.
> >
> >> David Collins wrote:
> >>> Daan,
> >>>
> >>> I suggest you take the error message suggestion literally - try
> >>> changing your first 2 lines to -
> >>>
> >>> <> localhost
> >>> <> daan-laptop.werkgroep daan-laptop
> >
> > That is totally wrong. <> has nothing to do with
> > the hosts file.
> >
> >
> > Nils
> >
When you select ¨Under 'IPv4 settings' one can choose among 5 methods:
automatic (DHCP)/automatic (DHCP) addresses only/manual/link-local
only/shared to other computers.¨ manual and fill in the information,
the button becomes usable. You need to click add, put in the IP
address, etc, click in the empty space of the box, then click OK or ADD
next to it. Then add the dns server address. Then OK at the bottom will
be usable.
Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914 [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM. [http://keepingdreams.com]
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