[xubuntu-users] Could not find internet address

Daan Hoogland dhoogland at interestate.nl
Sun Nov 2 16:16:46 UTC 2008

Hello Charlie,

I followed your recommendations.

After choosing the method 'Manual' I entered the following:

In the box 'Addresses' I filled in and

At 'DNS Servers' I filled in

At 'Search Domains' I didn't know what to enter

At DHCP Client ID I couldn't enter anything (the line is grey)

I didn't touch the button 'Routes'.

Still the button <OK> cannot be chosen (is grey).

I installed Xubuntu 8.10 only 2 days before. Schould I consider a
re-install to correct the situation?.

Thanks for your reply, Daan

Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Nov 2008 14:30:19 +0100
> Daan Hoogland <dhoogland at interestate.nl> wrote:
>> Hello Nils,
>> Thank you for your help. This is what I did and saw:
>> In Terminal I entered 'gksu Mousepad /etc/hosts' and I made the two
>> first lines as you told me.
>> Then I entered 'nm-applet &'. The answer was not a simple OK but a
>> message I did not write down. I got the idea that something was not
>> OK.
>> When I looked at the Desktop I noticed the network icon I missed
>> before has returned to the screen (2 monitors connected to each other
>> with a cross).
>> As you mentioned I tried to configure the wired connection manually.
>> The window 'Network Connections' has 5 tabs: wired/wireless/mobile
>> broadband/vpn/dsl.
>> 'wired' shows the existing situation: Auto eth0 - never (the word
>> 'never' seems to pose the problem to me).
>> Also 3 buttons can be seen: add/edit/delete.
>> Editing the wired 'auto eth0' connection gives a submenu with 3 tabs:
>> wired/802.1 x security/IPv4 settings.
>> Under 'wired' one can choose to enable 2 items: connect automatically
>> and system setting. Both choices are unabled by default. I kept it
>> this way (I enabled both choices but that did not seem to make a
>> difference).
>> The subscreen also shows some values: MAC address: 00:D0:59:14:37:41
>> and MTU - automatic. I didn't change these values either.
>> Under 'IPv4 settings' one can choose among 5 methods: automatic
>> (DHCP)/automatic (DHCP) addresses only/manual/link-local only/shared
>> to other computers.
>> Only when I choose 'manual' the button 'OK' at the end becomes grey,
>> meaning that the changes I make into this menu (entered IP addresses
>> for pc/netmask/gateway and DNS servers) cannot be saved.
>> At the end I entered your last given command:
>> sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart. The answer was: reconfiguring
>> network interfaces [OK}.
>> Connection to the internet is still not possible. To me the problem
>> seems that I cannot give this laptop-pc an IP-address.
>> Do you have any more recommendations to improve the situation?
>> Thank you very much in advance, kind regards, Daan
>> Nils Kassube wrote:
>>> Daan Hoogland wrote:
>>>> It may be that I managed to change the addresses and
>>>> into:
>>>> IP address laptop:
>>>> gateway address:
>>> Where did you (try to) put these lines? In /etc/hosts that would be
>>> wrong. You definitely need the loopback interface lines (IP
>>> addresses starting with 127). We'll talk about the 192 addresses
>>> later, but first lets modify /etc/hosts. You need root privilege to
>>> modify that file. Therefore use the command
>>> gksu mousepad /etc/hosts
>>> in a terminal to edit the file. Then change the file so it gets
>>> this contents:
>>> localhost
>>> daan-laptop.werkgroep daan-laptop
>>> You may keep the IPV6 lines which you had in the original file but
>>> they are not vital. However DO remove the lines with
>>> and if they exist. Then save the file.
>>>> Even the menu item 
>>>> Network Manager has disappeared from the menu. 
>>> You can restart the network manager applet with the command
>>> nm-applet &
>>> in a terminal and try if you can browse the internet already.
>>> If that doesn't work, use the manual configuration of the network
>>> manager. Select the wired connection and click on the properties
>>> button. Uncheck the "Enable roaming mode" option and select "static
>>> IP address" for the configuration. Enter the IP address
>>> and the gateway address (the subnet mask
>>> will be added automatically). Now click OK. Now select the DNS tab.
>>> You need at least one DNS server. Click tha "+ Add" button and type
>>> the address because I suppose you are using a router
>>> which is your DNS server as well. If you have some other
>>> configuration you would use the address of you ISPs DNS server.
>>> Finally close the configuration window and in a terminal enter this
>>> command:
>>> sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
>>> Now it should really be possible to browse the internet.
>>>> David Collins wrote:
>>>>> Daan,
>>>>> I suggest you take the error message suggestion literally - try
>>>>> changing your first 2 lines to -
>>>>> <> localhost
>>>>> <> daan-laptop.werkgroep daan-laptop
>>> That is totally wrong. <> has nothing to do with
>>> the hosts file.
>>> Nils
> When you select ¨Under 'IPv4 settings' one can choose among 5 methods:
> automatic (DHCP)/automatic (DHCP) addresses only/manual/link-local
> only/shared to other computers.¨ manual and fill in the information,
> the button becomes usable. You need to click add, put in the IP
> address, etc, click in the empty space of the box, then click OK or ADD
> next to it. Then add the dns server address. Then OK at the bottom will
> be usable.

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