[xubuntu-users] Beginners Problem Intel 915 Chipset-vga

David Mooney moondoggy369 at mchsi.com
Thu Jan 24 11:05:26 UTC 2008


Another thing about the resolution: it's actually a split mode resolution, 
not common, but not unusual either.  Normal modes would be 640/480 or 
800/600, not 800/480.  When having almost a 2/1 ratio on screen vertical 
hold, it definitely complicates things.  Is there a way to switch the 
resolution to 640/480 or 800/600 via BIOS or internally via (on/off) 
switches or posts?  If I knew the exact make and model of your laptop I 
might be able to help you configure it's hardware so that it will work using 
Xubuntu.  There's got to be a way...

-David :D

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <hesekiel2 at gmx.de>
To: "Xubuntu Help and User Discussions" <xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:36 AM
Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Beginners Problem Intel 915 Chipset-vga

> Dieter ange, from Hamburg, germany ..hi, and thanx a lot, David Mooney ,
> 1) Well, The CD- might be corrupt? !
> hmmm, maybe , but i dn think so . I might try it on another Computer, not 
> install, but as a live - cd .
> 2) intel Chipset-VGA- graphics !!!
> Well, yes, there might be severe issues, because intel ( always? ) uses a 
> so caled-softbios for their chipset-VGa .
> this means, as much, as i know ( not much !!!), that the normal vga- bios 
> 8on seperate card is missing totay, instead it integrated into standard 
> bios-area.... The bios itself  knows , whre ( at which adress and such) it 
> own companion, the vga-part is located , but not xubuntu- 
> hardware-detection ???  So, in windows, the Gui- ( and the direct-x ) 
> drivers have to replace the bios totally, especialy already fotr 
> performance -issues and for the more highre screen- & colourdepth- 
> solutions too...  The softbios then is, when the driver instals, somehow 
> linked to the driver and / or Gui ?!?!
> something like that.
> Although this is widely accepted  in OS-writers, OS- programmers, there 
> migt be reminig ndrstanding-problems , or Intel doesn deliver proper 
> information to these Guys ?!  Don know, but guessing ..
> 3) The unusual screensolution ?!
> maybe, the VGA-chipset-driver, de,ivered with xubuntu 7.10 only can ( or 
> does ) adrss the standard-extrenvga out socket properly, but cannot deal 
> with the ( maybe ? ) tricky combination between internal 800 x 480  and 
> multimode externa VGA , which , at least under windows , can be set up, to 
> work either
> a) simultaniously , showing the same content, or:
> b) 2-screen mode, adding extra space ..
> c) 2-screen, showing the direct x-overlay seperately on screen 2, the rest 
> on nr. 1
> d) reversely
> e) the progs`s windows are shown in window, i. e. : screen  1) , the prog 
> results( workspace) window in window/ screen 2)
> There is even a seperate Video-out connector  that maybe also has to be 
> adressed properly ?!
> The whole Situation, so,  maybe difficult and trickey ....
> Okay, all above wild theories...
> Since asus doesn answer to my email up to now, i might go to intels 
> webpage and try there to find  info &/o driver and such ...
> thanx a lot up to now,
> best regards and good wishes go to You, dear david mooney,
> allways yours
> dieter lange
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Datum: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 16:16:46 -0600
>> Von: "David Mooney" <moondoggy369 at mchsi.com>
>> An: "Xubuntu Help and User Discussions" <xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Betreff: Re: [xubuntu-users] Beginners Problem Intel 915 Chipset-vga
>> D.L.-
>> This is normal for time time users.  I did it too, but I wasn't sure what
>> I did to deserve such a thing LOL.  Anyways, when you make/burn the 
>> Xubuntu
>> live CD, make sure to burn it at the LOWEST speed possible, usually 1x
>> will do.  This is important as the boot sector and other data is easily
>> mis-burned if you burn it too quickly.  Also, if you're still getting 
>> that
>> x-server display error after running a newly slowly-been-burn Live-CD, 
>> it's
>> usually a hardware incompatibility issue (usually temporary).  Try to 
>> install
>> using the safe mode or text only option in the Live-CD install menu,  and
>> then you can finish the installation (the graphical, or GUI) by typing 
>> the
>> following in the terminal area after the first part is installed and you 
>> have
>> rebooted your computer:
>> sudo apt-get update -f
>> sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop
>> If the above commands don't work, try the following:
>> sudo aptitude update -f
>> sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop
>> The above will take some time along with several prompts asking which
>> display manager you want (xde).  Also, once you're finish, you may want 
>> to
>> install all the updates too from the terminal (I think it's faster than 
>> running
>> it through GUI).  Here's the update options:
>> sudo apt-get update -f
>> sudo apt-get upgrade -f
>> or
>> sudo aptitude update -f
>> sudo aptitude upgrade -f
>> You will then be prompted again for your password, etc.  If you're still
>> having hardware issues, then you'll have to go to Intel's web site,
>> http://www.intel.com to find the appropriate chipset drivers to download 
>> for your
>> laptop in order to operate properly.  This can be done for anyone who 
>> owns
>> an Intel machine too who might be having hardware issues.  They have
>> downloads for Windows & Linux, so don't panic just yet.  I recommend 
>> printing this
>> out before trying it so you know what you type when the time comes.  Hope
>> this helps.
>> -David :D
>>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>>   From: Vincent
>>   To: Xubuntu Help and User Discussions
>>   Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:39 AM
>>   Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Beginners Problem Intel 915 Chipset-vga
>>   On 23/01/2008, hesekiel2 at gmx.de <hesekiel2 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>     Didi at hamburg, germany:
>>     This mail is already pretty old, 10 days, or so? ,but there was no
>> reply up to now, so i send it again !!!
>>     Hi xubuntu- users!
>>     Yesterday i tried --for the very first time at all, ---no xubuntu-
>> experience at all ---( only suse-linux a bit  and now ubuntu, working 
>> fine
>> since 2 weeks now, on my desktop pc , great Stuff!!! )to run Xubuntu on 
>> my
>> subnotebook / webpad  or so:
>>     Asus r 2 h ... , normally running under Windows xp, tablet edition ,
>> vista compatible, too, but would be very slow, i feel ?!
>>     it got a celerom M ULV 900 Cpu and a mobile intel 915 chipset, 800 x
>> 480 touchpad-lcd-tft, 60 Gb Hdd, Usb2. Sdcard-reader, video-/ vga-out,
>> fingerprint-sensor, , GPS, lan, wlan, bluetooth, camera and such, fully 
>> featured
>> tiny little digital companion, a true digital diamond ;-)
>>     it book- sized and weighs a coarse 900 gramms ... Not much bigger 
>> than
>> PSP  , but much   more featured and IBM-compatible ...
>>     Anyway:
>>     Back  to xubuntu:
>>     Everytime i try and start  the ( 7. 10 ) xubuntu-cd  in my  ASUS R 2 
>> H
>> UMPC, text- mode part of bot works fine, but i only get up to the
>> start-procedure of the X- server.....
>>     which fails totaly...
>>     the screnn only changes slowly from dark  to 100% white, with some
>> nice pattern in between , a bit grayscale pixel-blurring- show ....
>>     every 20 seconds or so ....
>>     Maybe the Asus LCd- screen with itÅ› unusual 800 X 480 pixel size ist
>> guilty for that ?!
>>     Is there any workaround, e. g. Boot- parameters to fix that ??
>>     I can neither use ( live-Cd) nor install Xubuntu, if i cannot see
>> anything on the screen .... and the x- server shutting down perodically 
>> ....
>>     Isn it ?!
>>     Please help !
>>     1 million Thanks in advance to everybody , who will answer & help 
>> !!!!
>>     read ya?
>>     D. L.
>>   Well, you could try installing using the Alternate Install CD, but I
>> cannot guarantee that it will work after it is installed. Are there any 
>> error
>> messages upon boot? (Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to see output once it has tried
>> starting the graphical display)
>>   -- 
>>   Vincent
> -- 
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