Global Jam: Call For Xubuntu Tasks

David Pires slickymaster at
Tue Aug 19 14:10:59 UTC 2014

> Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:27:25 -0400
> From: Stephen Michael Kellat <skellat at>
> To: xubuntu-devel at
> Subject: Global Jam: Call For Xubuntu Tasks
> Message-ID: <20140819002725.baac2ee9c576475023ba18f0 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Greetings all.  As tasked at the last Xubuntu meeting, I write to ask for
> folks to consider what tasks would benefit Xubuntu to be undertaken during
> Ubuntu Global Jam.  Ubuntu Global Jam is a time for local user communities
> ("LoCo") to actively participate in a major push to get to the end of the
> development cycle.  The timeframe this cycle is Friday, 12 September 2014
> 17:00 to Sunday, 14 September 2014 22:00 UTC.  With respect to the Utopic
> Unicorn release schedule, that is the weekend directly after User Interface
> Freeze hits on Thursday, 11 September 2014.  Documentation String Freeze
> will hit on Thursday, 18 September 2014.
> What is needed at this point are the nomination of tasks that can be given
> as suggestions to LoCo groups to engage in during the Global Jam.  These
> need to be things that can be accomplished by a group of varying levels of
> experience with Xubuntu.  They need to stay within the weekend preferably.
> They also should abide by the release schedule to help move us forward.  A
> reporting loop needs to be built-in so that feedback from the event can be
> gathered and we have data we can act upon.
> Do we need specific packages tested?  Any last documentation to write?
> Seeking new places for pkexec profiles?  Stress-testing the Core?  Patching
> of things needed?

The end-user documentation is translatable in Launchpad [1]and the default
cut-off percentage to include translations is 80%.

Up to now there are only two fully translated idioms, Finnish and
Portuguese. The French (68,94%), Russian (65,65%) and Spanish (48,96%)
translations are the ones that seem to be good candidates to be included in
the next release if some more work could be done on them.

Xubuntu Documentation Lead

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