[ubuntu-za] Need urgent help with m5 simulator for ubuntu12.04?

Graeme Donaldson graeme at donaldson.za.net
Fri Sep 27 03:40:53 UTC 2013

To expand on what Wesley has said, on Ubuntu you need the "build-essential"
package which includes various tools for building software from source code.

In a terminal:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

This may not solve it completely, you may run into more errors if you need
specific development libraries, but for now install build-essential, try
again and report back to us .

Sent from a mobile device, please excuse my brevity.
 On 26 Sep 2013 9:29 PM, "Wesley Werner" <wesley.werner at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Navdeep. I have not built that app in particular but here are some
> guides:
> The distro you use is irrelevant, it seems like you just need the
> development tools installed to build from source.
> It reads like you need the gcc compiler installed. But there may be more,
> depends on what the source is linking to.
> Usually all sources have README and INSTALL files that give steps for what
> you need to build. The second place to look is for a manual on the
> application site, the install & building sections.
> http://www.m5sim.org/Dependencies
> --
> Sent via K-9.
> Navdeep Singh Sidhu <navdeepsingh.sidhu95 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  I was helping my friend installing gem5 simulator on Linux for her
>> thesis work. i know linux a little bit. Somehow i managed to install that
>> simulator on my laptop with ubuntu 12.04, but when i tried to install that
>> simulator on her laptop that didn't went well. i gave the same commands on
>> her laptop but it gave this error.
>>         $ scons build/ALPHA/gem5.opt
>>          scons: Reading SConscript files ...
>>          Error Don't know what compiler options to use for your compiler.
>>          compiler: None
>>          version: COMMAND NOT FOUND!
>>          If you're trying to use a compiler other than GCC
>>          or clang, there appears to be something wrong with your
>>          environment.
>>          If you are trying to use a compiler other than those listed
>>          above you will need to ease fix SConstruct and
>>          src/SConscript to support that compiler.
>> I tried same commands to install gem5 simulator by re installing ubuntu
>> on her laptop. But same error. then i tried on Linux mint 15 & fedora. but
>> i got same error. Plz somebody guide me what is wrong i'm doing. If any
>> body can provide step by step info to perform installation of gem5
>> simulator or anybody can provide me a .deb file of sim that will be really
>> helpful.
>> If not please at-least guide me how to create deb file of that sim? But
>> please consider my skills are of beginner's level.
>> it is very urgent for our thesis work.
>> It worked on 2 out of 6 machines. Working on my machine & on one another
>> machine in computer lab of our university.
>> regards
>> Navdeep Singh
>> --
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