[ubuntu-za] Need urgent help with m5 simulator for ubuntu12.04?

Wesley Werner wesley.werner at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 19:29:53 UTC 2013

Hello Navdeep. I have not built that app in particular but here are some guides:

The distro you use is irrelevant, it seems like you just need the development tools installed to build from source. 

It reads like you need the gcc compiler installed. But there may be more, depends on what the source is linking to. 

Usually all sources have README and INSTALL files that give steps for what you need to build. The second place to look is for a manual on the application site, the install & building sections.

Sent via K-9. 

Navdeep Singh Sidhu <navdeepsingh.sidhu95 at gmail.com> wrote:
>I was helping my friend installing gem5 simulator on Linux for her
>work. i know linux a little bit. Somehow i managed to install that
>simulator on my laptop with ubuntu 12.04, but when i tried to install
>simulator on her laptop that didn't went well. i gave the same commands
>her laptop but it gave this error.
>        $ scons build/ALPHA/gem5.opt
>         scons: Reading SConscript files ...
>       Error Don't know what compiler options to use for your compiler.
>         compiler: None
>         version: COMMAND NOT FOUND!
>         If you're trying to use a compiler other than GCC
>         or clang, there appears to be something wrong with your
>         environment.
>         If you are trying to use a compiler other than those listed
>         above you will need to ease fix SConstruct and
>         src/SConscript to support that compiler.
>I tried same commands to install gem5 simulator by re installing ubuntu
>her laptop. But same error. then i tried on Linux mint 15 & fedora. but
>got same error. Plz somebody guide me what is wrong i'm doing. If any
>can provide step by step info to perform installation of gem5 simulator
>anybody can provide me a .deb file of sim that will be really helpful.
>If not please at-least guide me how to create deb file of that sim? But
>please consider my skills are of beginner's level.
>it is very urgent for our thesis work.
>It worked on 2 out of 6 machines. Working on my machine & on one
>machine in computer lab of our university.
>Navdeep Singh
>ubuntu-za mailing list
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