[ubuntu-za] Forcing me back to Microsoft

Jan Greeff jan at verslank.net
Tue Aug 6 17:55:06 UTC 2013

Am I missing something here? I installed Chrmium from the software 
centre, the same result: does not open anything more recent than Flash 
Player 11.2 but I need 11.3 for SARS.

I agree about SARS not playing the game, but that does not help me one 
bit at this stage.  The tax man owes me a lot of money but before I can 
get it back I need to submit my returns.

On 06/08/2013 18:42, Peter Nel wrote:
> You guys are mistaken about flash.
> It currently only applies to firefox on linux.
> I've been using Chromium (open source version of chrome, in software 
> center) for years now and it supports the latest flash. The more 
> commercial Chrome also supports it out of the box.
> - - -
> Adobe.com tells me:
> You have version 11,6,602,167 installed
> About Chromium:
> "A web browser built for speed, simplicity, and security"
> Version 28.0.1500.71 Ubuntu 13.04 (28.0.1500.71-0ubuntu1.13.04.1)
> - - -
> Try it. It's a cool browser and fast. No need to go back to windows.
> Chrome uses the "Pepper" API to integrate flash, which is compatible 
> with the latest updates drom adobe.
> I still use firefox (Downloadhelper plugin) to download youtube 
> videos. I actually like that the videos don't start downloading 
> automatically due to flash being disabled. Although you can still 
> activate the older flash plugin by clicking on it, if you ignore the 
> warning.
> Regards
> Peter
>     Hi Jan ,
>     I feel your pain. I also had to go to a dual-boot install this past
>     weekend to have Windows also.
>     The list of growing things I couldn't do and don't work on Ubuntu just
>     got too long :-(
>     - Wikus
>     On 08/05/2013 10:33 PM, Jan Greeff wrote:
>     > Hi all,
>     >
>     > Seems like I will eventually have no option but to revert to
>     Microsoft.
>     >
>     > I need to submit my tax returns via e-filing, but SARS is using
>     Adobe
>     > Flash Player 11.3 and this version is not available for Ubuntu.
>     I have
>     > found this: Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to
>     target
>     > Linux as a supported platform. Adobe will continue to provide
>     security
>     > backports to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux.
>     >

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