[ubuntu-za] add repo

Miles msdomdonner at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 08:01:16 UTC 2012

-----Original Message-----
From: William Walter Kinghorn <williamk at dut.ac.za>
Reply-to: Ubuntu South African Local Community
<ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com>
To: Ubuntu South African Local Community <ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-za] add repo
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 06:57:11 +0200

Hi Miles,

If you live in the Durban area, I have the 10.04, 11.10, and 12.04 repos

AW sorry William I forgot to say I am in PTA. Asked if you were in Durbs because 
at some stage there was someone on our irc channel #ubuntu-za that was looking for
cd of one of the releases, and I was just checking in case he or another person asks
for something in the Durbs area.
 As for gnome3 I think it will also tell me to upgrade my pc hardware as does unity.
 Thats the reason I need to keep 10.10 going kinda forever.
I really like Maverick so staying with it is not a problem. I have saved all the 
packages I need and that are on my pc to my external so the biggest fear is not
being able to sudo apt-get update when support falls away. There must be lots of peeps 
that are in the same boat. not everyone can upgrade their hardware or pc and it would be 
shame to lose them to ubuntu because mavericks support falls away.
 But if one can get around the update problem, then maverick can live forever. 
As I understand it, after a clean install the first update not only has a look what is 
available at the online repo but also checks what you have available in /var/cache/apt/archives.
So even if you have everything you need copied to archives the pc doesnt see it till you update.
 So the update is critical.
What would it help to have the whole repo if you still need to get the update online.
Am I being crazy?
Thanks again

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