[ubuntu-za] Superuser

Hannes Coetzee scorpking at scorpking.za.org
Fri Mar 5 11:28:51 GMT 2010

On 05/03/2010 10:58, Darrel wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 10:14 -0600, Lee Sharp wrote:
>> Darrel wrote:
>>> Hi Charl thanks for the info,I will however be using the server for
>>> multiple sites.
>>>    I am thinking of scrapping the phpmyadmin package and rather use the
>>> LAMP server available using sudo tasksel
>> I think you have a few things confused here...
>> A LAMP server is a web server with Apache, MySQL and PHP integrated into
>> it.  PhpMyAdmin is a package run on a lamp server giving a web gui to
>> MySql.  Installing it was a creative solution as it depends on most of
>> the LAMP packages.  However it does not configure them properly.
>> tasksel configures it properly, but does not install phpmyadmin.  Also
>> phpmyadmin is a security risk if published to the Internet.
>> Next, you need to understand permissions.  The web server runs a
>> wwwdata, and any file it servers has to be accessible to wwwdata.  There
>> are lots of ways to make a directory you can access, and the web server
>> cas access.  One way is to chown the /var/www directory to wwwdata:(your
>> group) and you can have full permissions.
>> Now I am going to give you a way to cheat.  This is a good way to learn,
>> and see stuff, but not the best way to do things.
>> sudo nautilus --no-desktop
>> That is the gui file browser as root.  You can see and change
>> permissions easily that way.  Someone may tell you that you need to use
>> gksu instead of sudo, and that is technically right, but don't worry
>> about it now.
>> 			Lee
> Hi Lee,
> Well here is a little background :
> I understand what a LAMP server consists of and the GUI access to Mysql
> using phpmyadmin.
> I have been using a WAMP server (MS equivalent) for about two years now.
> This "package" includes phpmyadmin ,I used it mainly to test php scripts
> and to a lesser extent utilised the GUI to programme mysql.
> Prior to this I had loaded Apache (on MS) and tried to configure the
> server with the added modules. I managed to mess up the config file so
> badly that Apache was re-installed 3 times.
> The WAMP server is extremely easy to configure (at the click of a mouse)
> When I was given a copy of Jaunty I dual booted with XP and continued to
> do so with Karmic. The stupid thing was that I was using Linux 80% of
> the time but still using  MS to run open source software.
> I checked the repositories looking for a LAMP server "package",to my
> surprise there were none, I specifically wanted to avoid the config
> problems that I had experienced before.
> I did however come across phpmyadmin and knew it contained everything I
> needed not for one moment thinking about "permissions".
> When I encountered the permission type problems I read as much as I
> could and then presented my problem to the Community, the rest is
> history.
> Thanks for the advice you have given me, I did however run into a small
> glitch:
>   darrel at point:~$ sudo su -
> [sudo] password for darrel:
> root at point:~# sudo nautilus --no-desktop
> Could not parse arguments: Cannot open display:
> root at point:~#
> Darrel
Always use gksudo in Gnome and kdesude in KDE and sudo for any non 
GUI/cli programs.

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