[ubuntu-za] Software for ISR computer redistriubtion project. Suggestions?

Raymond Barbour xraya4t at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 06:51:48 BST 2010

I'd suggest Stellarium, a great astronomy/planetarium application.

On Sun, 2010-07-25 at 17:55 +0200, Helge Reikeras wrote:

> Hi
> The ISR computer redistribution project will be launching any day now. See  
> http://www.firga.sun.ac.za/isr/images/ISR%20POSTER_3rd%20term_lowres.jpg  
> if you still don't know about this project. The PCs to be redistributed  
> will have Ubuntu (Xubuntu or Lubuntu for low-end hardware) installed on  
> them. In order for the PCs to be as usable as possible for learning the  
> plan is to run a post-install script after the clean Ubuntu install. The  
> post-install script will install a few extra packages that we consider  
> useful for high-school learners. The list so far includes educational  
> tools (for obvious reasons) and support for restricted (but common)  
> formats such as mp3, avi, flash and java (to make the PCs more useful as  
> many of the receivers will not have Internet access). The list so far  
> includes:
> # Educational
> 'ubuntu-edu-secondary'
> 'edubuntu-docs'
> # Support for restricted formats
> 'gstreamer0.10-pitfdll',
> 'gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg',
> 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad',
> 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse',
> 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly',
> 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse',
> # VLC bundles restricted media formats such as mp3, avi
> 'vlc',
> # Java
> 'sun-java6-jre',
> # Flash
> 'adobe-flashplugin',
> # Games
> 'gnome-games',
> # Superior CD burning
> 'k3b',
> I would please ask everyone (and especially those with experience using  
> educational software) to make suggestions for additional software that can  
> be installed to make the PCs more suitable for educational use and for  
> users without Internet access. All information and experience that is  
> gathered for this project will eventually go on a Wiki for similar  
> projects to use. Note that the PCs will not go towards a school computer  
> lab, but that the learners will take the PCs home with them. Thus, there  
> must be software that is also useful for other purposes than educational  
> only. If you are interested, the post-installation script (Python) is  
> available on  
> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za-maties/+junk/isr-redist. You can  
> download it with 'bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-za-maties/+junk/isr-redist'  
> (install bazaar first).
> Thank you,
> -- 
> Helge Reikeras
> http://www.google.com/profiles/helge.reikeras

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