[ubuntu-za] Software for ISR computer redistriubtion project. Suggestions?

frans dormakorp at vodamail.co.za
Mon Jul 26 06:14:19 BST 2010

I'd say wine is also very usefull, since learners do sometimes need to 
run Windows compatable programs. Gimp is also a must for me as well as 
inkscape, extra font could not hurt and the open clipart  cd should get 
them started with some projects.

Also Ubuntu have packages for primary to tersiary school, so for 
learners i'd say that too.


On 10/07/25 07:03 PM, Lee Sharp wrote:
> Helge Reikeras wrote:
>> The list so far includes educational  tools (for obvious reasons) and 
>> support for restricted (but common)  formats such as mp3, avi, flash 
>> and java (to make the PCs more useful as  many of the receivers will 
>> not have Internet access). The list so far  includes:
> Here is my install script.  It also includes some popular archivers. 
> However, legal and licensing concerns are all yours. :)  I personally 
> believe that that old Windows 98 Sticker on the bottom licenses me for 
> the Win32 codecs, but you may not.
>             Lee

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