Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Wed Apr 14 16:00:21 BST 2010

bullet at ballmail.co.za wrote:

> Thanks Tim,Hannes,Frans,Quintin,Josh,
> All your help & interest is appreciated. I did have a supergrub disk 
> which I used but obviously not correctly, as it kept opening the 10.04 
> grub menu without giving me the option to repair anything. Ok, I sorted 
> that out by going into the support menu, however what then happened was 
> that by trying to repair the MBR, it totally removed all the grub menu's 
> and then gave me an "error 6" with the message "mismatched or corrupt 
> version of stage1/stage2" and I'm still unable to boot into windows.
> I recovered 8.04 via supergrub, but 10.04 was completely removed. I've 
> re-installed 10.04 and it gave me the option to import XP & 8.04 files, 
> which I've done and they're all there. I suppose these will be workable 
> if I download wine & work through 10.04?
> I've only got the XP version that came with the computer which I believe 
> is not the same as a separate disk and can't do the fixmbr function.
> I don't want to fiddle and wipe everything off - You've guessed it, no 
> recent back ups on XP.
> Will the repair installation option correct the "corrupt version" 
> problem or am I looking at a complete re-install of XP?

You still have Windows, but you do not have a boot loader.  You can use 
any boot disk with "fdisk" on it, and run an "fdisk /mbr" to get it back 
to Windows, then re-install grub which will fix the bootloader, not just 
the master boot record.  Some help can be found at 
http://www.google.com/search?q=boot+disk+fdisk+%2Fmbr  Just about any 
DOS type boot disk will work.


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