[ubuntu-za] solutions and ubuntuforum

Vijay Makanjee vijay at ergo.co.za
Wed Jan 14 13:58:19 GMT 2009


I wonder if the posts to the list are on the Ubuntuforums site. there
has been some really great advice on the list and should be shared.

Kind regards

Vijay Makanjee
Ergo | P O Box 19801 | Tecoma 5214 | South Africa
Ph +2782 6014353 | Fax: 0866563858
vijay at ergo dot co dot za

CM Schoonbee wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> So your system also needs Surround to be unmuted like mine.  What 
> machine do you have out of interest?
> Both the Master and Surround volume controls should still affect the 
> volume of sound - it seems like the settings on each are multiplied 
> together to give the final volume.  Again, try from a default install if 
> all else fails and if you are curious enough.
> Glad you came right (or at least seem to be getting there)
> Chris
> Péter Nel wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hey Hilton...
>> That's not a bad idea!
>> I've got sound now... but hear this out - i guess the fresh look had
>> me thinking differently, because opening the sound controls, I unmuted
>> & upped the volume on the "Surround" mixer... the volume of my current
>> playing mp3 went up - eureka!
>> "Master" volume does nothing?? Even muting it produces sound. It looks
>> like "Surround" now functions as Master....
>> Logging out of the guest account gave me the welcome-drums... very
>> welcome!
>> Back in my main account, sound works like in guest, so it wasn't
>> personal settings.
>> 2 things now:
>> - - get "Master" volume to function as master in stead of "Surround"
>> - - get system back on PulseAudio if any problems are encountered with
>> ALSA-only
>> (update: skype works with audio+mic while listening to MP3's; so when
>> it aint broke...)
>> I've checked/unchecked all the other settings in gnome-alsamixer;
>> "Surround" remains master and "Master" keeps doing nothing.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks for the attention guys.
>> (note to self: stop laughing you moron!)
>> Péter Nel
>> _______________________________________________
>> "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
>> deserve neither liberty nor security"
>>            - Benjamin Franklin

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