[ubuntu-za] Strange Boot Behaviour

Tim Johnson tim at cybersmart.co.za
Tue Dec 22 19:09:35 GMT 2009

All was going fantastically well (Karmic on AMD Sempron) until about 3  
days ago when I ran an update and had the dreaded Partial Upgrade message.

I ran it and the ran the fix dpkg routine.

Since then, my computer takes about 45 seconds to get from reset to grub  
and then ages before it reaches the login screen.  I get a blinking cursor  
on a black screen for what seems like minutes and then normal usplash and  
login sequence. My SATA DVD Writer has also disappeared for no good reason  

There appears to be a BIOS issue (it never took that long to get past the  
BIOS before (almost instantaneous) and boot times were in the 25 second  

I've set optimized defaults in the BIOS but that hasn't solved anything.

I've tried booting into 2 previous kernels, but my DVD drive stays  
"missing" and boot times are still horrendous.  Once booted, everything is  
fine except for the missing drive.

I can see a number of problems in dmesg (attached) but have no idea what  
to do with them.  There is a video switch issue at 0.78 and SATA issues  
over a long period of time starting at about 8.5.

Could somebody knowledgeable please browse through my dmesg and tell me  
what I can do to get back to where I was?



Using Ubuntu 9.10 and Opera 10
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