[ubuntu-za] GUI programming in Ubuntu

Hannes Coetzee scorpking at eshowecompcentre.co.za
Fri May 9 10:47:05 BST 2008

Neil Manson wrote:
> Hi All
> I would like to write a small GUI app for my own use in Ubuntu. I have 
> some programming experience in Windows (Pascal, Delphi, Visual Basic) 
> and some Python scripting experience in Linux. I also have a tiny bit of 
> Java experience.
> What language/tools/IDE etc would you recommend for developing a small 
> GUI app?
> Thanks for the input.
> Cheers,
>   Neil
Something else that might be of interest is that KDE4 and it's libs are 
cross platform now and available on Windows and Mac as well. There's a 
few options for KDE IDE's like KDevelop. As far as I know GTK and Python 
is already available on Windows but I'm not to sure.  Anyway, it's just 
a thought.

Happy programming

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