[ubuntu-za] ASUS Motherboard

Bill Cairns pops at cairnsgames.co.za
Sun May 20 19:16:00 BST 2007

On Sun, 2007-05-20 at 19:38 +0200, Jason Norwood-Young wrote:
> What would you use Windows for anyway?

Less and less ... I use Mind Manager regularly (for compatibility with
some of those I work with; Free Mind is excellent - but not available as
standard on Ubuntu yet [or is it? Haven't checked under Feisty!]) I need
some web sites that only work under IE. My wife uses a scrapbook program
and Photoshop (I think life is probably too short to understand The
Gimp). We both play with Goodsol a lot. I have not even looked for a
Omnipage replacement but then we do very little text scanning anyway ...

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