[ubuntu-za] ASUS Motherboard

Bill Cairns pops at cairnsgames.co.za
Mon May 21 18:00:24 BST 2007

Thanks for your reply Jason - I think I will stay where I am!

On Sun, 2007-05-20 at 19:38 +0200, Jason Norwood-Young wrote:
> > I will have to take it back to get the right motherboard. The question is, will I have to re-install Feist again? If I do have to do a re-install, I obviously do not want to spend a lot of time getting Ubuntu the way I want it.
> If you make an NTFS partition, MS *should* pick that up and install
> itself there by default. Just be very careful before clicking "Next". It
> will overwrite your MBR of course so you'll need to reconfig that. I'm
> no expert though - haven't booted a Windows machine for many years. What
> would you use Windows for anyway?
> J

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