[ubuntu-za] localhost - unable to access

Robert Holm robhh at absamail.co.za
Tue Apr 10 21:10:29 BST 2007

Since installing Feisty beta I am unable to access localhost.
If, for instance, to use the dictionary, I enter:

rob at ubuntu:~$ dict -v definition - I get the reply
Configuration file:
   server localhost
Cannot connect to any servers

All the entries in Network Connection appear to be correct.
When I try to ping localhost or in Network Tools
I get no response at all. If I ping the
response is "address cannot be found".
Using "Whois" on gives the reply: "Unknown AS number
or IP network. Please upgrade this program".

(In any case I am not sure whether I am doing any of this

If I use the gui on the applications menu I get the same result.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can track down the problem?


Robert H

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