[UbuntuWomen] Some will never learn...
B.A. Lopez
dinda at mac.com
Fri Mar 30 01:09:49 UTC 2007
Well, you've certainly gotten the whole "planet" talking about these
issues and that's probably not a bad thing. ;-) Just read a post
from Corey and some others on the issues so it might be a good time
for the CC to review the situation.
Caroline, please don't feel you have to have to do anything further
but if you are interested in discussing the issue you can catch me or
others in the #ubuntu-women channel on IRC. Feel free to let us know
what a good time for you might be as I think it's worth learning more
about your situation and seeing if there is anything we can do to
support. As I've said, we all seem to have stories but now we need
to use them to make things better. Also, I'd love to hear more about
the open streetmap project some time.
One point of clarification in regards to the CC. Jono Bacon, the
Ubuntu Community Manager, is not on the Community Council, per Mark/
sabdfl's request. A few months ago I would not have felt comfortable
going before the CC either but after sitting in on a several meetings
and learning how the process works, I've been rather impressed with
it all. They have dealt with quite a few forums issues and will also
consider things in private at someone's request. Current members of
the CC are Mark Shuttleworth, Benjamin Mako-Hill, James Troup and
Colin Watson. Colin is in the process of stepping down and elections
were to be held - which reminds me, it seems that nothing has
happened on those elections. Hmm, now that you've reminded me I just
may ask the CC the status of those elections. I'm very curious to
see which direction they are moving.
On Mar 28, 2007, at 7:20 PM, Caroline Ford wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 19:52 -0400, Matt Good wrote:
>> On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 17:21 -0500, B.A. Lopez wrote:
>>> Caroline,
>>> do you have the link to their mail list archives? I'm rather
>>> curious to see how this played out and yes, it should be a CC issue
>>> if you feel you are being treated unfairly.
>> This is the blog entry where the user asked her to step down from the
>> Ubuntu UK Planet:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2007-March/
>> thread.html#3698
>> My interpretation of the user's comment is not that he/she disagreed
>> with Caroline's post on the mailing list here about the sexist joke:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2007-March/
>> thread.html#3698
>> Rather, it sounds like he/she was disappointed that after citing
>> another
>> user for violating the Ubuntu CoC on the mailing list that Caroline
>> would use crude language on her own blog which is syndicated on the
>> Ubuntu UK Planet. In that context I believe that this user's
>> comment is
>> justifiable.
>> Caroline, I hope you consider rejoining the Planet. This sounds
>> like a
>> misunderstanding to me.
>> -- Matt Good
> I was going to try and not post any further on this as I will just
> wind
> myself up.
> I don't think you understand how unwelcome I feel.
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2007-March/003698.html is
> the start of the thread with the "joke". I have been reminded that
> some
> people actually left the mailing list after I said it was a code of
> conduct violation because it was humourless I think.
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2007-March/003730.html was
> the opinion of the leader of Ubuntu-UK - basically mocking me.
> There is a history of this stuff. When we were organising for the
> women's expo in October we got this -
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2006-September/000761.html
> Ana who responded hasn't posted since.
> Jono Bacon has referred to us all as "chaps", seemingly oblivious that
> some of us aren't (and has been politely reminded of this). They are a
> little boys club who's only known activity is organising a stall at
> the
> expo. I am being made to feel that I am the politically correct
> thought
> police. It's so much easier just to walk away - I don't get this in my
> lug, on wikipedia or in openstreetmap. Ubuntu is supposed to be *more*
> welcoming than average, it's very much less.
> I'm not going to take it to the Community Council as Jono is on the CC
> and he's their mate. I also feel that I'd be cross examined and it
> would
> prolong it - Ubuntu-UK just isn't worth that to me.
> Caroline
> --
> ubuntu-women mailing list
> ubuntu-women at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-women
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