[UbuntuWomen] Suggestions for OSS project participants?

Meg Kurdziolek meg.kurdziolek at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 16:17:57 UTC 2007

Hi Matt,

I think there is a lot of hidden talent in our group, but we just haven't
found the appropriate outlet for it. Talking about myself specifically, I'm
a CS major with programming background in C, C++, and Java. Have a need for
anyone like that? I've never participated in a FOSS project before, so I'd
need a lot of mentoring and tutoring at first about how things are done.
(I'm also a busy grad student, so I'd be able to put more effort into things
during the summer.)

I think for a lot of people (not just women) its hard to find a place to


On 3/12/07, Matt Good <matt at matt-good.net> wrote:
> I just read Mirjam's blog post[1] from Planet Ubuntu which covers some
> interesting findings from a study on female involvement in F/LOSS[2] and
> have read through most of the study itself.  Some of the figures,
> particularly those on age and education level of women involved in OSS
> were new to me and I'd highly recommend reading the findings.  However,
> I was disappointed that the recommendations were all specific to
> government organizations.  While I'm sure these are good ideas, it
> doesn't really help me as an individual OSS participant.
> I have been active on the Trac project[3] for several years, and it is
> where I invest most of my OSS involvement.  Articles such as "HOWTO
> Encourage Women in Linux"[4] offer good suggestions for behaviors that
> can be applied in online communications (IRC/email) or Real Life, which
> I'm sure I could be better at, but I'm also wondering if there are ways
> as part of an OSS development team I can be more actively reaching out
> to women in the community to encourage their involvement.  Finding where
> to draw the line between "Do encourage women in computing" and "Don't
> stare and point when women arrive" is not easy.  Would it be helpful for
> me to post here and/or on the Trac mailing list looking for women
> interested in contributing to Trac?  Any other suggestions for me or
> developers on other projects?
> -- Matt Good
> [1] http://zerlinna.blogweb.de/archives/139-Women-in-linux.html
> [2]
> http://flosspols.org/deliverables/D16HTML/FLOSSPOLS-D16-Gender_Integrated_Report_of_Findings.htm
> [3] http://trac.edgewall.org/
> [4] http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/
> --
> ubuntu-women mailing list
> ubuntu-women at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-women
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