Possible State Meeting Solutions
Jeremy Fluhmann
fluhmann at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 23:11:39 GMT 2009
Yep, so what I see is that the last IRC meeting drifted somewhat from it's
focus. I may be wrong, but I see the IRC meeting as being somewhat brief
(~1 hour at most). When the discussion starts to move to a heated debate,
it should probably be tabled and go to the mailing list. I see voting as
something that goes to the mailing list (or some other means) and stays out
of the IRC meetings. Once the voting results are in, I see it as something
that ends up in the IRC meeting. The IRC meeting should stay focused and on
task. As others have mentioned, it's very easy to get sidetracked and start
a separate conversation. The meeting itself should probably stick to the
agenda and be focused on the action items. I'm sure several people will be
able to spot something as being a discussion for the mailing list and not
necessarily something to be debated in an IRC meeting. I'll admit that I
drifted away from the last IRC meeting and went on doing other things due to
the drifting of discussion. I see the IRC meetings as the time for us to
"act" on items that we've already discussed within the mailing list, or to
bring up items that need to be discussed within the mailing list.
On another note, some have mentioned meetings in person and I'm also one
that gets the most out of face-to-face meetings. I also understand that the
geographic spread of Texas makes that somewhat difficult. I realize it may
not be for discussion now, but just to throw it out there for future
discussion, I'm part of a state-wide open source K-16 (schools and
universities) group. We try to meet each quarter and move the location
around to try and allow everyone to make a meeting that may not have been
able to make a previous meeting, due to its location. I would support
bi-annual or quarterly meetings, even though I probably wouldn't be able to
make each one. I see some prime locations being Dallas area, Austin area,
Houston area, and (due to the distance of El Paso) somewhere between El Paso
and Dallas/Austin (maybe Ft. Stockton or Midland/Odessa? Or even Laredo).
Those hit most of the existing LoCos, as well as an "in-between" for the
more far away LoCos. Anyway, just my thoughts. As a reminder, the Texas
Linux Fest is April 10, 2010 in Austin, and the Open Source Symposium is the
Fall of 2010 in Abilene.
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Brandon Tomlinson <thebwt at gmail.com>wrote:
>> if we need to do some sort of vote, the most efficient way is to open a
>> poll on the forums and let it sit open for a given period. So at a meeting
>> we will discuss the topic and that say something like "I am opening a poll
>> that will be closed in one week, here is the url; go vote." Problem solved.
>> "Voting" should not the be the focus of our meetings honestly. Any sort of
>> discussion like that can occur on our mailing lists. The irc meetings should
>> be a chance for rapid response discussion (in contrast to email which is
>> variable response).
>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 7:36 AM, Daniel Stone <webmaster at catcodesigns.net
>> > wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Dear Texas Team,
>>> I see several issues with just status quo. It fails because chatter
>>> on an IRC channel makes it hard to follow and does not give an
>>> adequate time to address and vote on topics.
>>> As I have stated before the channel can and has been used but I
>>> believe that moderation (since it can only happen from select
>>> individuals) can steer the conversations and discussions.
>>> When an item needs to be voted on it should be addressed prior to any
>>> meeting. Also with the announcement of voting item could be a way to
>>> simply vote on it and a place to enter personal thoughts on that topic
>>> beforehand.
>>> This was not the case on the last IRC meeting.
>>> This way an item to vote on could have a week or so to vote on prior
>>> to discussion to get a true consensus.
>>> Take this for instance
>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-tx/2009-December/000077.html
>>> one reading this thread would think that the discussions had come to a
>>> close on a Centex group while in fact
>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-tx/2009-December/000072.html
>>> addresses this just days after the meeting and the forum post
>>> discussion some basic questions regarding the meeting place were never
>>> addressed and some of the other basic questions went unanswered.
>>> This may be the de-facto discussion place but to hold a vote or a poll
>>> does not say that this service works best. IRC is good for general
>>> chatter but the facts are already it place. I does not work to address
>>> and respond to large opposing opinions.
>>> I see nothing wrong with using google or other other services to take
>>> up the slack. And I do not see google fading away soon. In fact the
>>> reason this is still in beta is google has redundancy layers to
>>> approve new services just as gmail went through.
>>> I we remain stagnant then the team will remain the same. We need to
>>> look at the future and adapt to improvements.
>>> Cordially,
>>> Daniel Sone
>>> matthew byers wrote:
>>> > I think we need to consider that too many aspects of meeting options
>>> > can become an issue...why not irc, then why not wave, then why not
>>> > dimdim, then why not email meetings...see where im heading with
>>> > this! If its not broken why mess with it??
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Marc Randolph <mrand at pobox.com
>>> > <mailto:mrand at pobox.com>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Daniel Stone
>>> > <webmaster at catcodesigns.net <mailto:webmaster at catcodesigns.net>>
>>> > wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > I was referring to how we conduct meetings.
>>> > > What does a mailing list not have in relation to wave(google
>>> > wave)?
>>> > >
>>> > > one
>>> > > : a real time effect like chat.
>>> > >
>>> > > two
>>> > > : it offers a place that discussion can happen over the course
>>> > of a
>>> > > few days this would be great on voting
>>> > >
>>> > > three
>>> > > : discussions and supporting documents can be in on place
>>> > making it
>>> > > much easier to read and follow the discussion.
>>> > >
>>> > > Whilst google wave is beta -- dimdim already does this.
>>> > > [...]
>>> >
>>> > If one of the main reasons to switch is so that conversations,
>>> > votes,
>>> > and other things can occur over days, I don't place much weight
>>> > on the
>>> > real-time aspect. But let's say some people do want
>>> > near-realtime...
>>> > all that needs to change is those few people can sign up for
>>> > gmail or
>>> > some other email service that doesn't have much polling in the
>>> > way of
>>> > a polling delay. Messages are typically delivered in about the
>>> same
>>> > amount of time it takes to type them. Use a subject line, and they
>>> > are threaded into conversations / topics. Great for organizing.
>>> >
>>> > Items two and three are ideally solved by the existing email
>>> > list, IMHO.
>>> >
>>> > I'm truly not trying to be difficult, but I truly don't see why we
>>> > can't continue to use this mailing list that rather than making
>>> > _everyone_ that wanted to participate sign up for some random
>>> > non-official service that might die someday, and take our archived
>>> > discussions with it.
>>> >
>>> > > This message was attempted the way you instructedand I had to
>>> > add the
>>> > > mailing list to the to recipients.
>>> >
>>> > Worked great. Thanks!
>>> >
>>> > Marc
>>> >
>>> > --
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>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > God Bless
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