a simple request

Wesley Harp wesleyharp at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 01:28:16 BST 2008

There really is no function to do that and even if there were, how is that
much different than having a channel topic which is already mostly ignored?

Besides, that would only provide information to those people who actually
use IRC.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 7:14 PM, Greg McCrory <greg at coolbrew.com> wrote:

> I would even venture the argument that recent decisions, notices, and
> other information should be continuously scrolled on the IRC channel by
> the channel bot.
> Dustin Puryear wrote:
> > Did you know the list is configured to reply to the OP instead of back
> > to the list? I just clicked Reply and it was addressed to
> > wesj at wesleyharp.com. Odd. Just a FYI.
> >
> > Anyway, this is pretty much par for the course, so you just have to get
> > used to it. If someone asks something that is already documented, just
> > reply with the URL. Eventually that will help. Otherwise, that's just
> > the way the Internet is. :)
> >
> > --
> > Dustin Puryear
> > President and Sr. Consultant
> > Puryear Information Technology, LLC
> > 225-706-8414 x112
> > http://www.puryear-it.com
> >
> > Author, "Best Practices for Managing Linux and UNIX Servers"
> >    http://www.puryear-it.com/pubs/linux-unix-best-practices/
> >
> >
> > Wesley Harp wrote:
> >
> >> I don't want to be writing this email, I wish there was no need.  That
> >> being said, it is not my intention to step on anyone's toes or offend
> >> anyone.  Additionally, I am not speaking for the group even if I use
> >> "we" or any other plural pronoun.
> >>
> >> Our resources are stretched pretty thinly.  For a team with 30+
> members,
> >> there is a very small minority doing most of the work.  I understand
> >> that's how thing are in life and I'm ok with it, or at least more ok
> >> with it than I used to be.  That being said, what I don't think is ok
> is
> >> for all the work we are doing to be ignored.  We try to keep everyone
> >> informed as much as possible.  We send out information to the mailing
> >> list, there are posts on the forums, meeting reminders are sent out,
> and
> >> there are details on things on the wiki.  All this takes a LOT of work.
> >> We miss some things, but by and large the information is all up to date
> >> and accurate.
> >>
> >> I feel like no matter how much information we're putting out there, we
> >> keep getting asked the same questions over and over.  Questions whose
> >> answers are easily found on one or more of our team resources (wiki,
> >> forum, Google calendar, etc.).  The answers are always available if you
> >> do a little looking.  I understand that everyone doesn't have the same
> >> amount of time to put forth, but for the people who show up once every
> >> month or so and want to know why they don't know about decision X, or
> >> feature Y I'm not sure what to say.  We can only do so much. If people
> >> aren't willing to keep themselves informed and up to date on what's
> >> going on there's not much we can do about that.  At the same time, we
> >> aren't here to spoon feed information to everyone.
> >>
> >> All I'm asking is that people read the information we're sending out
> and
> >> make sure to check the site and other resources before you ask your
> >> questions.  If you're going to commit to being a part of the team, then
> >> part of that commitment is keeping yourself informed.  It's up to you.
> >>
> >>
> >> Wes
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> --
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> Ubuntu-us-la at lists.ubuntu.com
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