[Ubuntu Chicago] Chicago Loco wiki cleanup

Steve Woodruff swoody at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 22 02:23:16 GMT 2010

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Richard JOHNSON <nixternal at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> The reason I didn't do this as people use different themes on
> wiki.ubuntu.com, so therefor if I use the Kubuntu theme, everything is blue
> except for the browness of those header boxes. Nothing major of course,
> just personal opinion :)

Ah, I completely forgot the wiki has customizable themes... Maybe we
can use a neutral color, like grey or khaki or something that wouldn't
look out of place for you Kubuntu guys :)

> Create ChicagoTeam/Subpages maybe and have it list all of the subpages
> under ChicagoTeam. This is good to have, especially when it comes time for
> editing, you can get an idea of what is where and see if it is really
> needed in the first place.

What I used when I was going through the wikis was to go to a
/ChicagoTeam page that doesn't exist, like:
On the right-hand side it shows other 'similar' pages which happens to
list *every* wiki page that is under /ChicagoTeam, whether it's a
sub-page, or a sub-page of a sub-page, and so forth. However, like I
said if you guys use the sub-page listing that's great and I have no
issues leaving it as-is.

> I swore I had set it up to have all previous meetings archived as something
> like ChicagoTeam/Meetings/<date>. Maybe that was for something else. Works
> for me though.

Well if you take a look at the link I posted above (the page that
doesn't exist) and take a look at the /Meetings/xxx pages, it shows
one from October of 2006 and then the recent ones, and the rest are
under the /Minutes page. To be honest, it doesn't really bother me one
way or another where/how we document our events/meetings, but I do
think it's important that we decide one way to go, and stick with that
method. I think this will do us a ton of good to stay on top of
updating our archives, and make it easier for someone who missed an
IRC meeting or event and wants to see what happened. Nathan had
brought up the idea earlier to use our TeamReports page to report our
IRC meetings, and that sounds like a good idea also, but again, we
need to come to a consensus on how/where to create our archives on the
wiki so we can be consistent with them.

Steve Woodruff
swoody at ubuntu.com

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