[Ubuntu Chicago] Chicago Loco wiki cleanup
nixternal at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 22 01:41:49 GMT 2010
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 05:33:50PM -0600, Steve Woodruff wrote:
> Ok, just wanted to toss out a little report on the wiki progress so
> far, and get some more input/opinions on a couple points. I think that
> updating and cleaning-up the wikis is nearly complete. I merged
> several pages, deleted several others, and updated whatever info I
> could find. The only page that still needs some work is the Meetings
> page [1], which has been merged with the Projects page (which is now
> deleted). Micah did some great work on this page during the Doc Jam
> (Thank you!), to clean it up quite a bit.
Thanks a ton for all of this!
> 1) I changed the background colors of the page headers, navbar, and
> page menus to try and add some contrast, and better tie in our wiki
> pages to the Ubuntu wiki theme. Let me know what you guys think about
> this, I was playing around with color choices, so if you don't agree
> with mine I'd be happy to hear other recommendations.
The reason I didn't do this as people use different themes on
wiki.ubuntu.com, so therefor if I use the Kubuntu theme, everything is blue
except for the browness of those header boxes. Nothing major of course,
just personal opinion :)
> 2) Secondly, I was curious if anybody makes use of the '"All Subpages"
> section at the bottom of our wiki Home page [2]. I was going to remove
> it to clean up our main page a bit, but if anyone has use for it, I'll
> leave it as-is.
Create ChicagoTeam/Subpages maybe and have it list all of the subpages
under ChicagoTeam. This is good to have, especially when it comes time for
editing, you can get an idea of what is where and see if it is really
needed in the first place.
> 3) Finally, what I had in mind was to use the Minutes page [3] to
> create archives of our IRC meetings, and Micah came up with a great
> way to archive info for our previous meetings [4]. However, we also
> have the Team Reports page [5]. I was going to see if we still wanted
> to keep our general Team Reports page, or if you all feel that we
> would be fine with just the Minutes page and 'Previous Meetings'
> pages.
I swore I had set it up to have all previous meetings archived as something
like ChicagoTeam/Meetings/<date>. Maybe that was for something else. Works
for me though.
Name| Richard JOHNSON
Title| Developer
WWW| http://www.ubuntu.com
Email| nixternal at ubuntu.com
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