[Ubuntu Chicago] Website Place Holder.

Steven Van Setten sgvansetten at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 23:35:02 GMT 2010

I've been a bit behind in reading the mailing list, and am upset that I 
missed the meeting, I'm going to put it in my calendar so I remember the 
next one.

    I can put together a place-holder for you if you like. Just send me 
the content and copy for it and I'll get it together for you. Also, if 
you like I can send you some directions on how to do so yourself, it's 
pretty simple to do in the GIMP.

Montel Edwards wrote:
> Well I know how he made it.. it's just that he has a image and then a
> black background.
> I just don't know how to use an image manipulation program.
> But i'll look into kompozer
> On 1/30/10, Mike Greenwood <mjgreenwood at gmail.com> wrote:
>> There is a great app called kompozer.
>> Give that a shot.
>> For something that simple you could make a 1 row 2 column table or just a
>> single image.
>> To help you can add the web developer tool bar to firefox.  This will allow
>> you to view how pages are made.
>> Again for something this simple just look at the page source under the "view
>> menu"
>> A last option is to go to that tburke website save it and then open it in
>> Kompozer.  This will again allow you to see how
>> he made it (and you can edit it enough to make it your own for something
>> that simple)
>> mike
>> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Montel Edwards <mde at monteledwards.us>wrote:
>>> Hola,
>>> I was wondering if any of you had any spare time you could help me
>>> develop a very simple and  minimal domain placehold like
>>> http://tburke.us. I asked him if it was OK if i copied but i didnt
>>> know that it was just one image.. and i suck a lot at GIMP.
>>> I just have an empty WP blog there and it's bothering me..
>>> BTW, how's the development of ubuntu-chicago.org?
>>> --
>>> Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
>>> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
>>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago

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