[Ubuntu Chicago] Jam

Richard JOHNSON nixternal at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 2 15:25:35 BST 2009

I love the idea of a "newcomers group" and it is funny you bring that up,
because Jim, Nathan, and I discussed this off-topic this week actually and
it is something we wanted to do.

Our goal was to make it eventful for everyone, and I even discussed the
idea of little breakout groups. So please, if you don't think you will add
value, get that out of your bean, because you will probably add more value
than you think. With that said, I would be more than happy to hang out in
the newcomers group and answer any and all questions you have. If I or
someone else can't answer it, we can sure find someone who can answer it,
or find the answer elsewhere.

So for the "newcomers", don't worry, we already planned on making it fun
for you as well, and from the comments I am seeing, I would enjoy working
hands on with you. Of course I won't turn you into super hackers on Sunday,
but hopefully I can plant something in you that will make you want to
contribute even more to the Ubuntu project.

Crewsr dude, you added value at the bug jam, I went over some of your work
if you remember, as I think Nathan did too. You had it down, you were doing
your thing :)

As for food and drink, I don't know if it is allowed in the library, but
due to its location, there are plenty of places to step outside to in order
to get some food and drink. I know the last library we were at, Elmhurst,
they weren't into allowing us to have it. Drinks were OK as they had a
vending machine in the library :)

Seriously, if you have any questions or ideas, don't be afraid to comment.

Also for you new comers, no matter where you are located, there is someone
around that can help. For you out here in the NW burbs, I am always
available to meet up somewhere and teach a little or help you out, so
always keep that in mind.

 Name|  Richard JOHNSON
Title|  Developer
  WWW|  http://www.ubuntu.com
Email|  nixternal at ubuntu.com
GnuPG|  3578 0981 A21D D662 2A96  7623 F4C1 838C D8C4 4738
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