[Ubuntu Chicago] Ubuntu 9.04 release party planning

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 8 06:00:34 BST 2009

Hi All,

We have a date set for the release party, and we have our location in
order (thanks to Kevin Harriss from the ChicagoLug).  Details are
available on the wiki [0].  The release party will be on Saturday the

I'm going to try and invite a few other groups (like the Drupal meetup
group and a few others), so I think it would be cool if we could have
a few talks about Ubuntu at the meeting.  Like a demo of something
cool on Kubuntu, something else on Ubuntu... some less technical, some
more technical.  Just neat things about this release that either you
would like to give a talk on, or you think some other folks might like
to learn about.

Being prepared to do installations would be good, too.

Also, we'll need to coordinate food and drinks and stuff like that.
I'm mostly just sending out this note to get things moving for the
release party now that we have the location details in place.

Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas w/ the group.


[0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/ReleaseParty

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