[Ubuntu Chicago] Studebnt video issue

William Scott Lockwood III scott at guppylog.com
Thu Feb 14 17:47:22 GMT 2008

Reconfigure X.

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Green <patlgreen at gmail.com>
To: ChicagoTeam <ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com>, The WFTL LUG
<wftl-lug at salmar.com>
Subject: [Ubuntu Chicago] Studebnt video issue
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:07:39 -0600

One of my students, who I am proud to say is using Ubuntu, kinda made a
mistake.  He was experimenting with the video cable to get his computer
to either run on the tv or to get the computer to play tv...I am not
sure which. 

Anyway, using the s video cable he hooked the laptop to the tv and
changed the setting through the GNOME GUI to accept the tv as the main
monitor.  Now, the screen is blank and only boots when the video cable
is hooked up to his laptop.  

He is on another student's laptop downloading and burning a copy of
ubuntu so he can run it live.  Once he gets in, I have NO CLUE what to
tell him to enter to change the monitor video settings back to the
laptop screen...thoughts?

Thank you in advance.
William Scott Lockwood III <scott at guppylog.com>
LRSE Hosting

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