[Ubuntu Chicago] Studebnt video issue

Chad Sutton csutton at chadarius.com
Thu Feb 14 19:06:53 GMT 2008

If its an nvidia card you can use the nvidia-xconfig command line to
create a new xorg.conf file. Additionally, you might want to look in
the /etc/X11 directory for earlier versions of the xorg.conf. This
will only work if the binary Nvidia driver is used and not the open

One thing that I do on all my systems is back up my known working
xorg.conf to xorg.conf.working. That way if I borke it up I can
recover it quickly with the .working version.

What type of video card is it? I didn't see that anywhere in the thread?

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 11:47 AM, William Scott Lockwood III
<scott at guppylog.com> wrote:
> Reconfigure X.
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Patrick Green <patlgreen at gmail.com>
>  To: ChicagoTeam <ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com>, The WFTL LUG
>  <wftl-lug at salmar.com>
>  Subject: [Ubuntu Chicago] Studebnt video issue
>  Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:07:39 -0600
>  One of my students, who I am proud to say is using Ubuntu, kinda made a
>  mistake.  He was experimenting with the video cable to get his computer
>  to either run on the tv or to get the computer to play tv...I am not
>  sure which.
>  Anyway, using the s video cable he hooked the laptop to the tv and
>  changed the setting through the GNOME GUI to accept the tv as the main
>  monitor.  Now, the screen is blank and only boots when the video cable
>  is hooked up to his laptop.
>  He is on another student's laptop downloading and burning a copy of
>  ubuntu so he can run it live.  Once he gets in, I have NO CLUE what to
>  tell him to enter to change the monitor video settings back to the
>  laptop screen...thoughts?
>  Thank you in advance.
>  --
>  William Scott Lockwood III <scott at guppylog.com>
>  LRSE Hosting
>  --
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>  Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
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