[Ubuntu Chicago] ubuntu-mac

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Fri May 4 15:46:38 BST 2007

On Friday 04 May 2007, Eddie Martinez wrote:
| I'm wondering why Ubuntu doesn't have an official channel for mac
| users? #ubuntu-mac. It would seem to me that if we can get Ubuntu onto
| a Dell computer, and we have install cds for Mac, we should have a
| channel. Sure #ubuntu or #kubuntu might be viable replacements or
| places to go,but macs generally seem to be very specific hardware and
| im assuming very fussy to deal with.

Mac PPC CDs stopped with Edgy. But the new Macs are all Intel and after a 
little tweaking fun flawlessly with Ubuntu. I think a #ubuntu-macs channel 
would be good, and I think you should probably try and catch nalioth on IRC 
and explain it to him. He is in fact a Mac/Ubuntu user and is one of the 
Freenode admins in charge of creating Ubuntu IRC channels.

| I know this isn't the most appropriate place to express my thoughts,
| but it was just a thought.Perhaps Chi-Ubuntu could take the initiative
| and start a Ubuntu-Mac project?

I have a PPC machine here that is lacking a video card, so if someone has a 
spare PPC video card, I will look and see what it takes to port the latest 
versions of Ubuntu over to PPC, wouldn't be nothing more than compiling and 
building on the PPC architecture really. Now if someone wants to get me a 
Macbook or a G5 with the Intel chips, I am all ears :)

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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