[Ubuntu Chicago] Packaging Jam! Dec. 16th!

Eddie Martinez eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 20:17:58 GMT 2007

Richard brings up a good point. Packaging takes time to learn. More than 1
hours' worth. Here is my suggestion.  Everyone read  the manual's that
Richard  sent out, and  drink lots of coffee. And depending on how many
people show up on sunday, we can start at 10, or 12 or never. how about

Also, if anyone is driving and can offer me a ride, please msg me offlist
and we can discuss details about sunday. thanks!

eddiemartinez AT gmail DOT com (although this should be obvious)

-eddie m.

On Dec 10, 2007 9:41 AM, Richard A. Johnson <nixternal at kubuntu.org> wrote:

> On Monday 10 December 2007, Eddie Martinez wrote:
> | heyall:
> |
> | Jim pointed out a good point. We won't actually be packaging for 6
> hours.
> | We will be meeting with CoDLUG and they run from 10am-4pm. The
> conversation
> | on packaging will most likely run from 12-3 or 2-4 or something similar
> to
> | this. However, I am waiting for Richard to get back to me on this. Most
> of
> | us are all real busy with finals and such. this does not mean that we
> wont
> | be ready for sunday however.
> Starting at 12 would be fine, but in 3 hours you might not learn much, and
> here is why:
> When doing any types of Debian packaging, there are multiple environments
> in
> which you have to package for, those environments are:
> 1) Merges from Debian
> 2) New packages
> 3) Fixing package bugs
> 4) Rebuilding a package against an updated dependency
> Now that you have the environments covered, you have to now commit either
> as a
> MOTU or not as a MOTU, which bring up 2 new environments.
> ----------------
> 1) dput to revu for new packages
> 2) create debdiff/interdiff for merges, updates, and bugfixes
> ---------
> 1) Review NON-MOTU #1 and #2
> 2) dput to Ubuntu
> 2 to 4 simply will not work, because we are usually out the door by 4pm.
> 12 to 3 will allow us to do possibly 1 new package and 1 or 2 merges.
> 10 to 4 will allow us to cover 1-4 up top, as well as 1-2 for NON-MOTU,
> but I
> will leave that up to the people. Packaging isn't something you are going
> to
> learn in a couple of hours, and doing it from 10 to 4 will not only allow
> myself and possibly Mario to run a couple of sessions, but it will also
> allow
> us to teach some fundamentals as well as answer questions. A 2 or 3 hour
> session will not get it done, but I will leave that up to all of you, if
> you
> want a small session, come prepared to just eat what we feed you and don't
> plan on getting into it in depth. Also if you plan on a short session, I
> would recommend that you read the following thouroughly so what we say
> makes
> at least a little bit of sense:
> 1) http://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#policy
> 2) http://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#devref
> 3) http://www.debian.org/doc/devel-manuals#maint-guide
> 4) https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide
> 5) https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PbuilderHowto
> And go over anything I didn't cover on this page:
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/Lists/DocumentationResources
> For building new packages, you should probably familiarize yourself with
> chroots, creating a good copyright file, and creating a good description
> in
> the debian/control file.
> --
> Richard A. Johnson
> nixternal at kubuntu.org
> GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
> --
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> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
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This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
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