[Ubuntu Chicago] Meeting this Saturday?

James Ruffer admin at unixbox.ws
Fri Apr 20 05:50:21 BST 2007

Well I have about 439 companies that would be interested in this
solution.  If you can show me that it works and how easy it is for the
end user I will throw some money at making a buisness plan of it.
I am currently working on getting vtigerCRM/google/webex/drupal
running on ubuntu server.
If anyone can help me with this then we have an even bigger business
market.  In the 1000's.

Not sure if this can be done.  Build a ubuntu server with all the
packages for the above and make an ISO?


On 4/18/07, Chad Sutton <csutton at chadarius.com> wrote:
> Hey all. I've requested the space at church and I'm pretty sure it
> will be fine. I will receive confirmation by tonight or tomorrow.
> Here is the google maps link to the church.
> http://www.google.com/maps?hl=en&client=firefox-a&q=st+thomas+united+methodist+church&near=Glen+Ellyn,+IL&cid=0,0,13174085366221625164&ie=UTF8&z=15&ll=41.836218,-88.054058&spn=0.02235,0.033517&om=1&iwloc=A
> The meeting will be from 12-4pm to fit with other scheduled events at
> the church. I will have a screen and projector along with the latest
> Feisty installed on a desktop. I'll also bring a few Feisty CD's. I
> can bring one monitor and a few keyboards and mice for installs as
> well.
> On 4/18/07, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 4/18/07, Max Luebbe <max.luebbe at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > James - what you're talking about is how I make my living.
> > > So many small business owners dont know that there are alternatives to the
> > microsoft tax, and once you explain that there are, and do some demos - the
> > consultancy job sells itself.
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > > Also, I definately am someone who is much less interested in marketing
> > than I am in technical issues. Anytime anyone wants to meet up in a coffee
> > shop in the city to talk code, I'm there.
> > >
> > > -Max
> >
> > Max, let's keep this in mind.  I think a good number of people would be
> > interested learning about these kind of topics.  It's great that you have
> > experience in this area, too.
> >
> > If we're able to meet on Saturday, I think that getting a
> > presentation/discussion queue going (including topics such as this) would be
> > very helpful.
> >
> > Jim
> > --
> > jwcampbell at gmail.com
> > --
> > Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> > Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
> >
> >
> --
> Later,
> Chad
> --
> Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago

Thank you for your time.

James F. Ruffer III
MSCE, CNA, CCNA, & BSDI Administrator
Albany, Manhattan, Chicago, Memphis and Dallas
1.518.271.1844  Mobile

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