[Ubuntu Chicago] Meeting this Saturday?

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 20 06:09:55 BST 2007

On Thursday 19 April 2007, James Ruffer wrote:
| Well I have about 439 companies that would be interested in this
| solution.  If you can show me that it works and how easy it is for the
| end user I will throw some money at making a buisness plan of it.
| I am currently working on getting vtigerCRM/google/webex/drupal
| running on ubuntu server.
| If anyone can help me with this then we have an even bigger business
| market.  In the 1000's.
| Not sure if this can be done.  Build a ubuntu server with all the
| packages for the above and make an ISO?
| James

It can be done quite easily actually as long as you get the proper licensing. 
I build different ISOs all of the time. Drupal is already on the server CD. 
Webex and vtiger are both very easy to package (I have packaged them both in 
the past for both Debian and Ubuntu), and Google needs some explaining. It is 
kind of nice having a MOTU-in-training in the Chicagoland are ey :)

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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