Ubuntu-Chicago Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Meeting

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 15 05:17:36 BST 2006

   Ubuntu Chicago Local Community Team

   LoCo Meeting & Minor Release Party

   October 26, 2006 from 11am to 8pm (CST)

   Best Western Des Plaines
   1231 Less Street
   Des Plaines, IL US 60018

   Ubuntu Chicago is planning on an organizational event to structure around 
Dapper and Edgy for advocacy/marketing (radio, tv, newspaper, etc.), support 
(local & outside), group collaborations with other local organizations, and 
various other brainstorming events. Also, Ubuntu Chicago Members will receive 
CDs to continue handing out at local events. More fun to be worked upon in 
the mean time.

   Very carefully, that's how!

We are asking for a $10 donation in order to cover the costs of the venue and 
for nothing else. Venue includes the location and catering services provided. 
Food list at this time includes, but is not limited to: Beef, Chicken, Pasta, 
and other sides.

Interested in stopping by? Then sign up at 

Interested in giving or seeing a presentation and/or demo? If so, enter the 
information at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam/Meetings/October2006

Thank you to the entire Ubuntu Chicago Team, the Ubuntu Community, and the 
Canonical Staff! To talk more about the event, please feel free to email the 
list <ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com> or join us on IRC in 
#ubuntu-chicago. Thanks again!

Richard Johnson <> nixternal at ubuntu.com
ubuntu.com <> kubuntu.com <> edubuntu.com <> xubuntu.com <> chi.ubuntu-us.com
online everywhere as nixternal
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